King's Business - 1968-12

O l U r t i l b OF THE

Building A Church by Dr. Herbert Richardson

q u il d in g a church involves planning; however, ® building a church is not the same as building another building. Perhaps there are some similari­ ties but they are few. In building a church, it is necessary to build with people. Just as no contrac­ tor wants to place unusable material in his build­ ing, neither does our Lord wish to place unusable material in His church. As I turn to the Scriptures, I am frequently confronted with God’s plan for building His Church. Christ enunciated the great principle in His declara­ tion at Caesarea Philippi, when He said, “Upon this rock will I build my church.” As buildings are designed to serve a purpose, so there must be a design and a purpose for the Church. The design is that the people who consti­ tute this visible body will reflect the beauty of God in His holy character. The purpose is that God might be glorified in His people. When God called us to this ministry thirty years ago, He made it very clear as to how He wanted His church to be built. In that sacred moment of the high and holy calling of God, there was one great truth which seemed to ring out more clearly than any other. That was, “Make Christ real to the people.” Of course, no man can make Christ real to another. This is the work o f the Holy Spirit. I read in the Gospel of John concerning the work of the Holy Spirit, “He shall take of the things of mine and reveal them unto you.” During these years, people have frequently said to me, “You make Christ so real.” To this I immediately reply that I do not make Christ real — I cannot — only the Holy Spirit can make Him real. At the time that God called us to the ministry, there was a little chorus that was most precious to us in those days, and it still is. It is entitled, “Let the Beauty o f Jesus Be Seen in Me.” I do not know the name of the composer, but the words are: “Let the beauty o f Jesus be seen in me, AU His wonderful passion and purity; Oh, Thou Spirit divine, all my nature refine Till the beauty o f Jesus be seen in m e”



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