King's Business - 1968-12

Jesuslovesme,.« rj *

pictures, scrapbooks and other memen­ toes of his life of service to God and man. Dr. Wilson has been a medical doctor, preacher, church organizer, radio broad­ caster, author, editor, naturalist, and tent manufacturer. He also was one of the founders of Kansas City Bible College, which merged with Midwest Bible Col­ lege of St. Louis in 1961, to form Cal­ vary Bible College. He is a president emeritus of Calvary Bible College. C. PETER WAGNER has been named as the first Associate General Director of the Andes Evangelical Mission. Mr. Wag­ ner moves into the newly-created post after serving as Assistant Director for four years. The Andes Evangelical Mis­ sion, formerly the Bolivian Indian Mis­ sion, is the largest evangelical group working in Bolivia. Its affiliated national church, Union Cristlana Evangelica, counts nearly 10,000 members. Their 88 field missionaries come from Great Brit­ ain, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Germany and Bolivia as well as from the U.S.A. Christian Nationals’ Evangelism Com­ mission, Inc. included in its 25th Anni­ versary celebration the dedication of the campus of the Hong Kong Bible College in the Kowloon District of Hong Kong. Present for the unveiling of the main building was MRS. MARGARET JEPSON, the widow of the founder of CNEC, the late DR. N. A. JEPSON of Seattle. The building was named Jepson Hall. CNEC also operates seven Christian Day schools in Hong Kong with a total en­ rollment of over 5,000, plus a Laymen's Institute and various other projects in Literature and evangelism. DR. THEODORE H.

Little Rosma knows

that Jesus loves her, but she longs for the love that you can give also . . . the tender love of a sponsoring “parent.” Y ou r love can b rin g

And what a blessing! You'll know blessing and reward beyond compare when you choose your own little boy or girl in Korea, Indonesia, India or Haiti. Letters and small gifts are exchanged. Your child knows you by name. Prayers span the miles. Your life is enriched through sharing your love. Follow your heart! Know the joy of sponsoring a love-starved child today. YES! I want to sponsor a lonely child today. I understand I may dis- , continue at any time. m m m K128 'Rev. Henry Harvey, President My choice is _________________ _ If this child has been chosen, please select similar child. I prefer a □ boy or □ girl, approximately________years old, from the land o f ___________________ Please rush FULL particulars. Enclosed is □ $12 for first month □ $144 for first year. □ Select a child for me from the most needy country. □ I am unable to sponsor, but wish to contrib­ ute $____________for general child care. □ Please rush further information today. 7774 Irving Park Road Chicago, Illinois 60634 (Canadian residents write Box 880, Blenheim, Ontario)

a sm ile to h e r fa c e and d riv e f e a r from h e r eyes . Little Rosma is only eight, but she's known more suffering and heartache than most people experience in a lifetime. Oh yes,she's heard about the Lord Jesus, and she truly trusts Him. But, deep in her heart she longs for a human care and love that she has never known . . . a love that perhaps only you can give her. And, Rosma is but one of more than 22,000 children in COMPASSION Homes—children yearning for human expressions of Christian love. Their plight is heartbreaking. These needy children have suffered the terrors of war, poverty, famine and disease. They pray for the love of an American "mommy or daddy" or "big brother or sister." They need food, clothing, medical care and a Christian Home. And, this is what you offer when you sponsor one of these lovely boys or girls for only $12 a month (just pennies a day). THESE NEED HELP RIGHT NOW.

EPP was principal speaker at the 75th Anniversary of the General Conference Mennonite Mission to the Hopi Indians in Oraibi, Arizona where Mr. Epp himself was born. H is parents, the REV. and MRS.

Dr. Epp

J. B. EPP, were among the earliest mis­ sionaries to the Hopi Indians. In 1903, his father was co-founder of the South­ west Missionary and Bible Conference in Flagstaff. Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center, near Santa Cruz, Calif., will con­ duct its Second Annual West Coast Pas­ tors’ Conference, January 20-24, 1969. Several hundred ministers from churches throughout the western United States will gather for the four-day, interdenomi­ national conference. Special emphasis will center on "how to communicate Biblical truth to a world so indifferent to God." The conference will be limited to full-time vocationally involved minis­ ters at the local church level.

Name__ Address.

City______________ State___________Zip_______ An interdenominational, Gov. approved, non-profit corporation. Contributions are tax deductible.

You will receive a lovely, colorful hand-embroidered tapestry direct from the Orient if you will sponsor a needy child.




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