Biola Broadcaster - 1964-05


b y D r. W a lter L.



or to it.” (You see, the gold had worn off and the brass was now showing through.) Up in heaven all the gold is transparent. You can see right through it and there is no hypocrisy whatso­ ever. The reason gold is so precious is because all the nations use it and con­ sider it a precious commodity. God says, “I will make a man more precious than fine gold.” The boards of the tabernacle were all covered with gold. This was just wood cut down out of the trees nearby. They had to be cov­ ered with gold, however, to be fit for service. We have to be covered with the gold of heaven and with the righteous­ ness of God which is by faith in Jesus Christ. It is possible to steal gold from you, however, nobody can steal Him from you. An interesting mention is made of a golden garment in the 45th Psalm. This tells about the pure garment the Lord Jesus Christ gives to you when He saves you. It is the garment He puts on you when He redeems you so that you can go to heaven. You couldn’t go to be with Him without anything on. He gives us a garment of salva­ tion and a robe of righteousness. In Revelation we read that the bride has a white garment made of linen. A linen garment represents the righteous acts of the saints. We get the gold garment from our lovely Lord because He makes it for us, and the linen gar­ ment we make ourselves as we are serv­ ing Him. Christ binds up the broken heart. He heals the wounded soul. He dries the tears and makes a rainbow of them. Gold can never give you a good char­ acter. Sometimes the worst characters have the most gold. Only God can direct your paths into successful fruit­ fulness and spiritual growth. While gold cannot relieve the broken heart, Christ can. 23

D id - you know that there are five kingdoms in the world all made, of course, by God Almighty? There is the lowest, known as the mineral king­ dom, then the vegetable kingdom, the animal kingdom, the human kingdom, and the celestial kingdom. Our precious Saviour made all the things which you and I enjoy. As a small example, everything you have in clothing was originally made by the Saviour. In the mineral kingdom, Christ is compared to gold. In Isaiah 13:12 we read, “I will make a man more pre­ cious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge or Ophir.” Gold is something evervbodv seems to want. No wonder our Lord Jesus in one place is called “the desire of the nations.” / / There was the Ark of the Covenant i^ the temple or tabernacle. This Ark was covered with gold inside and out. It is the picture of the Lord Jesus Christ given to us in Exodus 25. The outside and inside of the Saviour is pure holiness. The hinges of the temple were all made of gold. What a priceless struc­ ture for worship. This speaks of the motives of our precious Lord as well as the motives of the Christian who walks with God. In Revelation 21:21 we read that heaven is pure gold. We are told that it is transparent gold. Have you ever wondered why it says “transparent gold?” Here on earth gold covers up many other thipgs. It may be cheap brass, iron, or even wood. When I was a little boy of ten, I had a sweetheart named Gretchen. I wanted to give her a ring. So I cut grass and saved fifty cents to buy her the best. Oh, I tell you, it was a beauty. I had a little speech all prepared when the presentation was made, telling her how wonderful she was. About two weeks later she called me up and said, “Walter, this gold ring has a funny col­

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