Journey to Bethlehem
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« * J by Dr. Walter L. Wilson
T h e journ ey s of the Lord Jesus Christ are very interesting, and one in particular occupies our thinking for today. It is His travels to Bethany. I have been there and it is a very in- interesting place, not far from Jeru salem. Luke tells us (24:50) that He took His disciples here. Why would He do this? Why not to Bethlehem or to Nazareth? When Jesus was bom, Bethany was a land filled with milk and honey, with green grass and pastures, and abundant springs of water. Not so to day. It is in desert waste. Everything has a meaning in the Scriptures and everything that our Lord did had a purpose. Bethany is the place where two ways met. There was an ass tied there, and a colt the foal of an ass, and Jesus said to the disciples, “Go and loose the colt and bring him to Me.” He wants us to learn that nobody can loose you from the habits of sin, wick edness and evil, except Him. One of the ways goes to Jericho and the other to Jerusalem. There are al ways two ways before us. We can eith er go down to Jericho or up to Jeru salem. You take your choice. He also wanted His disciples to know that only He could give life. Lazarus
was raised from the dead in Bethany. Nobody else could do that. None of these so called “divine healers” can raise the dead. They don’t even try it. It is never a question of the willing ness of our Lord. No man can give life; no, not so much as even to a dead fly. He wanted the disciples to remember and never forget. It was also in Bethany that he cleansed the leper. This woman was in the house of Simon, the leper. She broke the alabaster box of ointment and put it on His head. The Lord Jesus made note of her act and the disciples wrote it down in the Gospels. No one else in the .world could cure a dying leper. Christ raised him up from the dead to health, strength, joy and gladness. He is the only One who can heal the defilement of sin and the evil effects of Satan’s power in our lives. It was at Bethany that He came to Martha and Mary, when their tears were flowing so freely. Lazarus had died. These three had lived together in happiness. But their wet eyes were quickly dried, and turned to rejoicing when He said, “Lazarus, come forth.” Instantly, human life came back to that dead corpse. He wants to dry our tears, too, no matter the burdens and
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