~Ill/Ill Cool-Season Fairways Season-long Application Schedule
Product rate per 1,000 sq. ft. - Water in application if highlighted1
Low Disease Pressure
Moderate Disease Pressure
Tartan SG 2 fl oz
Tartan• Stress anP SG 2 II oz
Tartan SG 2 II oz
Tartan SG 2 fl oz
Tartan SG 2 II oz
Tartan SG 2 fl oz
Exteris SG 4 fl oz
Exteris SG 4 fl oz
Denslco~ 0.196 fl oz
Densico~ 0. 196 fl oz
Densic0f4' 0.196 fl oz
Mirage SG 1.5 fl oz + Daconil Ultrex 3.2 oz
Mirage SG 1.5 fl oz + Daconil Ultrex 3.2 oz
ExterisSG 4 fl oz + Fiala SG 5 fl oz
Exteris SG 4 fl oz
Mira e• SG 1.5 fl oz + Daconil®Ultrex® 3.2 oz
Mira eSG 1.511oz+ Oaconil Ultrex 3.2 oz
Mira eSG 1.5 fl oz + Oaconil Ultrex 3.2oz Banol 211oz
Densicor 0.196 fl oz+ Fiala SG 5 fl oz
Densicor 0.196 fl oz
Densicor 0.196 fl oz + Fiala SG 5II oz
Exteris SG 4 fl oz
ExterisSG 4 fl oz + Segway* 0.45 fl oz
Exteris SG 4 fl oz + Segway 0.9 fl oz
Mirage SG1.5 fl oz+ Daconil Ultrex 3.2oz
Mirage SG 1.5 fl oz + Daconil Ultrex 3.2oz + Banol4' 2 fl oz Mirage SG 1.5 fl oz + Daconil Ultrex 3.2oz + Banol 2 fl oz
Oensicor 0.196 fl oz+ Daconil Ultrex 3.2 oz 1------------------1 Tartan SG 1.5 fl oz
Densicor 0.196 11 oz+ Oaconil Ultrex 3.2oz+ FialaSG 5 fl oz Densicor 0.196 fl oz+ Daconil Ultrex 3.2 oz + Fiala SG 5 fl oz
TartanSG 1.5 fl oz + Se a 0.45 fl oz
TartanSG 1.5 fl oz + Se wa 0.45 fl oz
Mirage SG 1.5 fl oz+ Daconil Ultrex 3.2 oz
Mirage SG 1.5 fl oz + Daconil Ultrex 3.2 oz
Mirage SG 1.5 fl oz + Daconil Ultrex 3.2oz + FialaSG 5 fl oz
Interface SG 4 fl oz
Interface SG 4 II oz
Interface SG 4 fl oz
TartanSG2 fl oz
Tartan SG 2 II oz
TartanSG 2 II oz
Classic hourglass-shaped lesion of dollar spot on higher mowed turf. This disease is best cont rolled starting with spring applications well before symptoms expression to limit inoculum (Bayer).
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