Lessons Learned from 25 Years of Resistance and Remembrance Communities Drive Change The Sites of Conscience movement is and has always been community-led. ICSC has seen through its work that transformation must be rooted and cultivated locally in order to grow to its full potential. To support its members in fostering positive change, ICSC provides grants and training designed to strengthen the capacity of Sites of Conscience to form trusted and equitable relationships with their community members, unique bonds that help ensure all stories, even those historically marginalized, are preserved and shared. In addition to this one-on-one member support, ICSC is expanding its wider efforts to bolster support for democratic norms and the rule of law by launching new academies and other programs designed to equip a global cadre of survivors, activists, academics and civil society organizations to protect and promote historical truths in the service of human rights and social justice around the world today – essentially activating a Global Conscience Corps.
A guide leads a tour of Casa de la Memoria “Kaji Tulam” for ICSC’s Global Initiative for Justice, Truth and Reconciliation. The Site of Conscience preserves narratives related to Guatemala’s history of oppression, structural problems and also the resistance of those who lived in the past and those who inhabit the land today. Young students, as shown here, lead most of the tours at the site.
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