
Lessons Learned from 25 Years of Resistance and Remembrance

Communities Drive Change

Through its flagship program, the Global Initiative for Justice Truth and Reconciliation, ICSC has worked alongside

By centering the needs, priorities and knowledge of survivors and the grassroots organizations working alongside them, the Dignity in Documentation Initiative advances holistic and integrated approaches that improve upon current approaches to CRSV documentation and also bolster societies’ capacities to respond to legacies of CRSV, the root causes that underlie it and gender based inequity and sexual violence more generally. Inclusive of women and girls; men and boys; and survivors with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and sex characteristics (SOGIESC), DIDI supports activities that: 1. Provide mental health and psychosocial support services to CRSV survivors; 2. Enhance local capacities to investigate, document and prosecute cases of CRSV in a manner that is trauma-informed and meets international standards for criminal accountability and transitional justice processes; 3. Engage survivors in restorative truth-telling, memorialization and awareness-raising initiatives that assist their recovery and combat stigma around CRSV;

CRSV survivors in Bangladesh, Colombia, The

Gambia and several other contexts to help preserve and share their experiences. In this photo, two woman participate in a GIJTR arts-based truth-telling project in Guinea, where in 2009 armed forces brutally attacked a pro-democracy rally, in which at least 156 people were killed and over 109 women and girls were victims of rape and other forms of sexual violence.


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