Pinnacle PT: The 4 Easiest Ways to Treat Arthritis Naturally

Complimentary Workshops

Knee Pain Workshop WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, AT 6:00 PM What You’re Going To Learn: • Top 3 treatments for knee pain • What the knee is designed to do and why it gets stressed out  • The top 3 Causes of knee pain • What are the conservative treatments that should be tried first before surgery • How knee braces often times don’t work • What to do if injections have failed • How your hips can have a huge effect on your knee • How your foot can have a huge influence on the knee • What effective, conservative, natural treatment looks like Osteoarthritis Workshop SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, AT 10:00 AM What You’re Going To Learn: Designed for people currently living with OA of the knee, hip, shoulder, ankle, spine or for people knowing someone who might be dealing with the pain and activity limiting effects of OA. • Covering: What is osteoarthritis (OA)? • The best treatments for OA • Managingpain levels& improvingbiomechanicsforexercise&daily life • Medication options for OA sufferers • Introduce the details of Pinnacle PT’s 8-week OA exercise intervention program designed specifically for people who are living with OA.

Balance, Dizziness & Fear of Falling WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, AT 6:00 PM What You’re Going To Learn: • We’ll reveal the single biggest #1 mistake most vertigo and dizziness sufferers make…and how to not make this mistake… and if you make this mistake…learn how to overcome it. • You will learn the 3 most common causes of vertigo, dizziness, balance problems, and unsteadiness. • We’ll show you a sure-fire way to pick the right treatment for the cause of your condition. • And most importantly, you will see what successful treatment looks like, including one amazingly simple treatment that takes less than 5 minutes to fix a certain type of vertigo. Shoulder Workshop TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, AT 6:00 PM What You’re Going To Learn: Feelingthepinch?Tornrotatorcuff?Failedsurgery?Learnfromourexperts! • Where does shoulder pain come from? • What is a rotator cuff? • Five common causes of injury to the shoulder. • What is the normal range of motion for a shoulder? Discover movements to lift properly and build a strong, healthy body. Learn how physical therapy can help shoulders without surgery!

All Events Are Free • Limited Seating Events Filling Up Fast • RSVP by calling or texting 208.755.6715!

Patient Success Spotlight

“The staff here at Pinnacle and Mark’s techniques have significantly changed my life!”

“Before I came to Pinnacle, I had been through several rounds of physical therapy with extremely little relief. Here at Pinnacle I have gained much more strength and tremendously decreased my pain. Additionally, I’ve reduced the pain meds and have gained the ability to do most light activities without the extreme pain as before. The staff here at Pinnacle and Mark’s techniques have significantly changed my life, they are all awesome!.” - Lois.


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