
18C — May 11 - 24, 2012 — NJAA Conference & Expo — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


NJAA C onference & E xpo

A full-service community bank Investors Bank has been serving customers since 1926


nvestors Bank, headquar- tered in Short Hills, New Jersey, is a full-service

includes apartment buildings, multi-family residential proj- ects, warehouses, office and industrial buildings, retail centers and mixed-use prop- erties. Investors’ commercial real estate loan offices in Short Hills and Spring Lake Heights, New Jersey and midtown Manhattan provide financing for properties in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Delaware, and New York, in- cluding New York City’s five boroughs. Investors also provides de-

posit and escrow services for real estate management organizations, professional services firms, municipalities and small and middle market companies. The Bank offers a variety of loan options to meet the needs of the business community. Our Lending teams are made up of experienced profession- als who can make speedy deci- sions to meet your borrowing needs. Investors Bank has the 15th largest multifamily and 46th largest commercial real estate loan portfolios in the

country. If you have any questions about your commercial lend- ing needs, please call one of the three following Investors Bank Lenders, depending on your region: Southern New Jersey and Philadelphia: George Camp- bell at the Spring Lake Office in Spring Lake Heights, NJ. Northern New Jersey and Easter Pennsylvania: Bert Owens at the Short Hills Of- fice in Short Hills, NJ. New York and Connecticut: Marc Katz at the New York

City Office in New York, NY. Rich Spengler is executive VP and chief lending officer of Investors Bank. n NJAA to provide laughs and education at May expo MONROE, NJ — New Jer- sey Apartment Association’s (NJAA) 23rd Annual Confer- ence and Expo will be held from Mon., May 21st to Wed., May 23rd at the Atlantic City Convention Center. The Con- ference and Expo will open with a golf outing at Ballamor Golf Club in Egg Harbor Town- ship on Monday morning to benefit the NJAA Charitable Fund. The President’s Recep- tion, which will be held at 7 p.m. at the NJAA host hotel, The Borgata (tickets required) will serve as the kick off to the conference and will honor new President, Brent Kohere of Home Properties. This year’s conference fea- tures two keynote speakers, one on each day of the confer- ence (Tues. & Wed.): • Public speaker, advisor, author and entertainer Gar- rison Wynn will present Tues- day’s keynote. Wynn has a background in manufacturing, entertainment, telecommuni- cations, and financial services. At age, 27 he became the world’s youngest department head in a Fortune 500 compa- ny’s history, and as a teen he worked with Magnavox and baseball legend Hank Aaron to promote the world’s first video gaming system. Wynn’s clients include Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Mercedes Benz and Lockheed Martin. • Magician, mentalist and comedian Jon Stetson will present Wednesday’s keynote. Stetson creates an entertain- ing and educational act that will certainly kick the confer- ence off on the right note. He has more than 25 years of public speaking experience with groups of five to 5,000 and has worked with companies including American Express, Hasbro, Target, Smith Barney and Apple Computers. Brent Kohere, president of NJAA, commented on this year’s Conference and Expo, “For more than twenty years, our conference has provided the multi-family industry opportunities to learn and grow. n

communi ty b a nk t h a t h a s b e e n serving cus- tomers since 1926. With $11.3 billion in as- sets and over 85 branches

Rich Spengler

strong, Investors provides commercial loans of up to $30 million. Its expanding com- mercial real estate financing

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