Happy Anniversary! I T ’ S T I M E T O C E L E B R A T E !
Washington Physical Therapy is Celebrating our first year in the New Clinic! We Want To Say “Thank-You” For Letting Us Serve You For 21 Years!
J O I N U S O N T U E S D A Y , J U L Y 2 3 R D F R O M 7 A M - 6 P M F O R A D A Y O F F R E E E X A M S !
This is our BIG THANK YOU for allowing us to serve you. To thank you, our valued clients, we are having a day of completely Free Exams for all past and present clients as well as their loved ones. Even if you’re already being treated with physical therapy, this is a perfect opportunity if you’re worried about another problem.
T H E F R E E E X A M C O N S I S T S O F : • The Cause of Your Pain or Problem • A Plan of What Successful Treatment Looks Like • Tips To Get You Started With Pain Relief
This offer is limited to 10 per therapist available, so don’t wait! Call 425-820-2110 to schedule today!
**EXTRA BONUS: We have 10 Free Laser Demonstration appointments available. This is first come, first serve, and only for patients or their friends who are NEW to laser therapy. Call 425-820-2110 to schedule today.
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