

4:00 PM

You Have Your Answers Within to Unfold and Live Your Life Purpose Abundantly Mara Spencer Discover the secret of your life purpose and if you are on track to accomplish it. Through techniques, experience the power of your spiritual energy and your four psychic abilities to create more joy, abundance and fulfillment.

Unleashing Your Inner Navigator: A Journey Into Cultivating Intuition Jennifer Rose Unlock the power of intuition in this transforma- tive 50-minute workshop. Explore practical exercises, guided meditations, and insightful discussions to tap into your inner wisdom. Cultivate a heightened sense of intuition for confident de- cision-making and enriched life experiences.

Living Through the Biggest Change in Human History: Preparing for the Next Three Years John L. Petersen, Futurist Internationally known futurist, John L. Petersen, illuminates the unprece- dented events and trends driving the biggest change in human history. What’s happening, where it’s going, and what you can do to be prepared for this extraordi- nary change.

Creating Pure Far Infrared Light Patricia Scott Patricia Scott will explain the power and dynamics of the Relaxed Sauna’s far infrared energy, how it works, and how to use it, as well as re- view the supporting research.

5:00 PM

Align with Grace Para® Yoga Nidra — The Yoga of Sleep Claudia Neuman If you thought doing Yoga was all about twisting and bending, think again. Yoga is the practice of stilling the thoughts and acknowl- edging one’s connection to all. Through the practice of Para ® Yoga Nidra we will experience some of the divine. This practice is suitable for all. Come ready to rest!

Manifesting With Your Angels and Trusting Your Vibes Susan Lynne This informative work- shop will show you how to manifest, contact and communicate with your Angels. You will learn to trust your vibes and listen for the messages that are being sent to you. Discover the best ways to commu- nicate with your Angels. Guided meditations will be included.

Ormus: Where Do We Get It? Brother Gaia ORMUS is the material matter that makes up our own souls and gives us supernatural abilities, but where do we get it? Come learn how to get this ancient substance in your foods and environment

Raw Natural Juicing Maria Talton Essentials for a health- ier life: Unveiling the ABCs of this nutritional practice.

Light Your Inner Fire Kimberly Hartke, Health & Wellness Advocate You are full of light and energy; your body is an electro-magnetic organism. Explore how light therapy can improve your quality of life. Pain relief, better sleep, and cellular repair and regeneration are among the many benefits available with LifeWave!

PATHWAYS—Spring 24—49

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