

Sustainability... ...continued from page 71

We long ago forgot that all the gifts and benefits we receive from the natural world require something on our part. We can’t just take. We have to give something back. We forgot that a functional, sustainable relationship requires an exchange. To thrive and endure, a relation- ship must be reciprocal. What that means at a minimum is we have an obligation to take care of the natural world. We were given this beautiful garden of life that fulfills us and meets all our needs. Our ob - ligation is to be a good gardener. That means taking care of the plant and animal world that is the source of the resources that sustain us. It means ensuring forests are grown and used in a sustainable manner that considers the entire ecosystem from which those resources de- rive. At a minimum, we must stop thinking of these resources that are essential to our life as commodities. But we must do far more than that. As detailed in my book, many of us are disconnected, disassociated, and dis-eased. We have lost our connection with the natural world. We know that time spent in nature is very healing. The natural world provides us with a way to reconnect and rebalance. It helps us develop a deeper perception and a more holistic understanding of life. Plant and forest communities naturally seem to have a holistic understanding, an ecosystem understanding, that guides their interactions within their ecosystem. To truly learn about sustainability, we need to look no further than the interactions that occur within the forest and plant communities. Not only do they sustain all life on the planet, they also can teach us how to be better gardeners of the great garden of life we’ve been given to care for and cohabitate. Judith Polich is a retired attorney and a climate change columnist and author. Her website is: She is the author of Why Can’t We Be More Like Trees—The Ancient Masters of Cooper - ation, Kindness and Healing.

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