Board Converting News, March 4, 2024


use design as a means to make the world a better place, and to be happy and fulfilled while doing it. PPC: Why would you encourage someone to work in de- sign for the paperboard packaging industry? DA: In the realm of paperboard packaging design, we’re crafting solutions for products that fill our daily lives – from cereal boxes to pharmaceutical packaging. The versatility of paperboard as a substrate opens up endless possibili- ties for innovation. While I’ve worked across various materials like glass, plastics, wood, and metal, I find paperboard to have the most opportunities to make a meaningful impact. Take, for instance, a tissue box. When any of us reaches for a tissue in a moment of distress, the last thing that we need is a struggle with the packaging and the dispensing mechanism. That’s where the magic of design comes in – seamlessly integrating function with human experience.

tory, my father said, ‘What kind of job are you going to get with that degree?’ and I said, ‘I don’t know. But I know

I’ll be happy.’ And he actually said, ‘Well, that’s all that matters, right?’ I’ve always been drawn to cre- ativity and problem-solving, not just visually, but in all aspects. I see endless opportunities to make the world a better place through design. Whether it’s ar-

Dan Ahern

chitecture, landscape design, or working in paperboard packaging, I’ve always wanted to use design as a tool for positive change. That affirmation has been the driving force be- hind my passion for working in this industry — to

So, if you want to change the world that we live in as a designer, work in the paper- board industry. The opportunities are end- less to have a positive impact. There are also numerous roles you can take on in this field. You can begin your career as a designer, but there are many opportunities to branch out into different roles within the industry, including sales, manufacturing, customer service, or man- agement. Designers offer a unique perspective because they approach problems different- ly. Instead of relying solely on past experi- ences, they seek new ways to solve chal- lenges, which often leads to breakthrough innovations. This mindset is crucial not only in design but also in business and manufacturing. So, my advice is simple: start as a designer, and your career path is entirely up to you. PPC: What do you consider to be the most innovative trends or advancements in pack- aging design today? DA: Today, packaging design is all about making products work better for people. We start by understanding what users need and how we can solve their problems. For instance, think about tissue boxes again. We want to make sure you can grab a tissue easily when you need it most, with- out any hassle. We also consider if our ideas are real- istic and affordable to produce. With new technologies and smarter designs, we’re making packaging more inclusive and us-


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