Board Converting News, March 4, 2024

FPA Forms Political Action Committee: FlexPAC BY GREG KISHBAUGH

Dantex Group Partners With Polymount

Dantex Group has formed a strategic part- nership with Polymount, a solutions provid- er for the print and packaging industry. The collaboration is set to introduce Polymount’s self-adhesive sleeve technology to the label industry.

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA), an advocate for the U.S. flex- ible packaging industry, has formed a political action committee called FlexPAC. Its inaugural event will take place on March 22, 2024, held in conjunction with FPA’s Annual Meeting in Tucson, Arizona. George Khalaf, President of Data Orbital and managing partner of The Resolute Group, will be the keynote speaker.

For the last decade, Khalaf has leveraged his political instincts, data expertise, and strategic relationships to advance clients and causes throughout Arizona and a growing number of states. With a strong

Polymount’s products are said to cater to a broad spectrum of the printing industry, including labels, flexible packaging and com- mercial printing. The company’s self-adhesive sleeve tech- nology is said to eliminate the need for dou- ble-sided plate mounting tape, offering a re- usable and easy-to-clean solution guaranteed for a decade. With its network, Dantex Group is set to spearhead the promotion of this new product in the UK, France, Germany, Poland, Switzer- land and the United States. Constantia Flexibles Buys Aluflexpack Constantia Flexibles has signed an agree- ment to acquire approximately 57 percent of the shares of the packaging producer Alufl- expack. In parallel, Constantia Flexibles will launch an all-cash public tender offer for all publicly held registered shares of Aluflexpack. The offer is subject to certain terms and con- CONTINUED ON PAGE 39

grassroots and data background, Khalaf has worked at the local, state, and national levels, and under his leadership, Data Orbital is ranked as a top ten in the nation survey research and data visualization firm known for accuracy and transparency. To reach the flexible packaging industry’s legislative and regulatory goals, FPA identified the need for pol- icymakers in Washington, D.C., and the states who understand the industry

George Khalaf

and its mission-critical priorities such as extended producer responsi- bility, toxic bans, and product labeling. The FlexPAC will serve as the federal political action committee representing the flexible packaging industry. FlexPAC is funded by voluntary personal contributions of FPA mem- bers and supports candidates for political office who understand the broad array of issues facing the packaging industry and helps our in- dustry support candidates for federal office in their effort to win elec- tions and serve on Capitol Hill. FlexPAC is a bi-partisan PAC and is not beholden to any political parties. It is said to back Republican, Dem-



March 4, 2024

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