Bachelor of Fine Arts Program Catalog 2016-17

Megan Van Vlear Reinventing the Mousetrap Design

This body of work is a celebration of and reflection on human creativity. I build upon the ingenuity of those who came before me as I invent something potentially new and innovative. Many of these inventions exist in the world of the absurd as often ideas do when in the brainstorming stage. This is the space in which logic and imagination play a game of push and pull of powers. The inventions in this series are neither entirely reasonable nor ridiculous. It has been my experience that to some degree, all of my thoughts operate in this way. Thus, the presence of a human being who is constantly caught between this negotiation between the logical and imaginative is essential to this stage of invention. In this work, I recognize an attribute of one inanimate object and apply it to another object to give the latter new meaning and purpose. This combination is my way of participating in the communal and ancient act of building upon the innovation of my fellow human beings.

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