In Your Corner Magazine | Fall 2022


Think outside the [gift] box

WHILE DONATING CASH is the fastest, easiest way to donate to a worthy nonprofit, the current economic environment (and your budget) may mean getting a bit creative this holiday season. Here are 19 ways to think outside the traditional gift box:

Volunteer your time We’ll start with the obvious: Volunteering your time is one of the most rewarding ways to 1

Donate items you don’t need or use While some organizations are focused


on used clothing, electronics, and home goods, others stretch far beyond that. You can donate

cars and boats, equipment and machinery, or even real estate.

support your favorite charity, especially those that have tight budgets and lean staffs. No matter what your interests — from soup kitchens to animal shelters and everything in between — there’s a nonprofit that can benefit from your sweat equity.

Volunteer your skills Nonprofits can use your brains, as well as your brawn. Whether your talent is fundraising and event promotion, accounting, social media and marketing, writing, graphic design, or photography, your “day job” skills can help an organization with big events or regular administrative needs. 2

Spread the word Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media channels make it easier than ever to share your passion for a charity. In addition to posting and engaging on social media, it can boost an organization’s volunteer programs and events if you forward their emails and newsletters to friends and family when appropriate. 4



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