King's Business - 1936-12

DR. CHARLES G. TRUMBULL ON PROPHECY A Series in The Sunday School Times

"Should Make an Image" Are we nearing the time when men will be told “that they should make an image to the Beast” ? (Rev. 13 .) The -Morning Post of London says that Rome is building a gigantic bronze statue of Fascism and Musso­ lini, “outdoing in size every colossus o f myth and history.” - ■ Germany’s Blasphemy Germany, is following hard after Russia in Official, governmental anti- christianity and atheism. Three state­ ments "by powerful German leaders: “ Christ cannot possibly have been a Jew.” “ Hitler is a new, a greater, and a more powerful Jesus Christ.” “ Adolf Hitler, is the real H oly Ghost.” The 3 Prophetic Psalms Which is the Shepherd Psalm? Can you name the Three Prophetic Psalms? But there are many pro­ phetic Psalms, you say. It is true; yet there are three, coming close to­ gether, outstanding in their detailed, amazing prophecies of Christ’s death, his resurrection,, and his. return. "Simple Foolishness" A popular Boston preacher, writing in the Atlantic Monthly, “ showed” that belief in .Bible infallibility,. in the atonement, in bodily resurrection, and in Christ’s bodily return is “simpld foolishness.” Can you show how he was proving the infallibility of the Bible and fulfilling prophecy? Satan’s Young People “ Through thousands of years of subtle scheming the Antichrist’s cam­ paign has been laid with many nets and false lights flashing for youth to follow, until at last they shall have arrived at the place where they shall worship the image of the Beast.” Dan Gilbert’s articles will describe these. Signs in the Heavens “ There shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars,” said the Lord in predicting the end of the age and his return. Startling facts will be given, including mention of the scientific expedition about to search for a meteorite, believed to be the largest the world has ever known.

Unbelievers See Signs Some Christians are blind to the signs of the times. Some unbelievers see them plainly. Says Walter Lipp- man, brilliant Jewish essayist and news commentator: “ The signs are multi­ plying that the stage is set for an event of world-wide importance and of unpredictable consequences.” The Prophecy Test Prophecy has always been a search­ ing test of God’s people. The Bible’s prophecies of the second coming of Christ are testing them today. Have we realized that the Bible’s prophecy of the first coming of Christ tested them nineteen centuries ago? What kind of people met the test?- The Peace Garden An International Peace Garden is being planted on the boundary land between two great nations, to help maintain international peace. It is but one of many man-made plans for per­ manent peace which leave God out. Prophecy says plainly that only the Prince of Peace can bring peace. Does the Hope Purify? Unless our own lives are purified by the blessed hope of the Lord’s re­ turn, we do not “ love his appearing” as God wants us to do. But it is a purifying hope, and actual incidents will be given to show how men’s habits have been changed, ; and their lives cleansed, by looking for the Return. Seeking Death in Vain Suicides are now multiplying in a shocking way. Old people and young die by their own hands. They are ful­ filling prophecy, for the prophetic time has not yet come when “in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find i t ; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.” "M e n Against Death" “ Life stuff is believed to be poten­ tially immortal,” we are told by the publishers of a popular book on the exciting victories won by scientists over disease. This deadly deception will win more and more people as it fulfills prophecy and leads on to the worship of the miracle-working Beast.

A Personal Statement For more than twenty years my life and Bible study have been enriched by the truth of the Lord's return to establish his Kingdom on earth. In 1914 I had the privilege of being with that great Bible teacher, Dr. C. I. Scofield, in the first prophetic conference I had ever attended, at the M o o d y Bible Institute. In the years since then, as I have con­ tinued to study the prophetic Scriptures and the meaning of current events, I have had opportunities of fellowship with C o d ’s people in many such conferences, and I have been impressed by the steadily deepening and enlarging in­ terest of Christian people in the pro­ phetic Scriptures. In my studies and reading I have col­ lected considerable material in this field which I have drawn on freely in confer­ ence addresses, but which I have never published. There have been requests that these addresses be thus made avail­ able, and the Times will now publish an extended series during the coming six months. Such items as those touched upon in this page of announcements will be taken up, and much more. C H A R L E S G . T RU M B U L L Are There Really Signs? Are there really signs showing that the Lord’s return is near? Have we any right to believe that we can in­ terpret such signs safely and accu­ rately ? Many Christian people in earlier times have been mistaken in thinking that the end of the age had come — why are not we mistaken? These are fair questions, and Bible prophecy answers them for us, as the coming articles will show.

A Twenty-Four W eek s Subscription for $1.00 W ill Bring the Entire Series THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES COMPANY, Dept, E, 325 North Thirteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

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Stimulating Articles


Studies in Prophecy

International Lesson Commentary

Notes on Christian Endeavor Junior King’s Business

Girls9 Query Corner

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December, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Did Y O U Ever Return the Compliment? A friend wrote us recently: “ As the Jews in the early days of our pilgrimage gave us a great welcome, it is now our golden opportun­ ity to return the rich com­ pliment” The good brother doubtless had in mind Acts 11:18, where the Jewish Christians, when they heard that Gen­ tiles were being converted, "glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life." Dear child of God, Paul sewed tents far into the midnight hour, that he might preach the Gospel to the Gen­ tiles free of cost to them! Have you ever tried to pay back the debt? It is the Christmas season; the Jew in­ stead of being given the blessed Christmas message of peace and good will to all men, is receiving hate! Hate in Germany, hate in Poland, hate in Russia, hate in every country under the heavens— such a rising tide of hate as the Jew has never seen before! Israel's cry must pierce the heart of every true child of God— Where shall I go? Can you turn a deaf ear to that haunt­ ing wail? The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is the only remedy for Israel's anguish. Would you not like to share this Gospel at this Christmas time wiih the Jew? W e are here at your service in a world-wide and richly blessed tesfimony to Israel; and if the Lord leads your steps to us as the channel of your Gospel ministry to Israel, we shall indeed be grateful. THE C H O S E N PEOPLE, our monthly magazine, particularly helpful ¡ust now with teaching as to prophecy and the Palestine movement, is sent to all con­ tributors. May we hear from you?

%Mt Tamii#Sitatine Motto: " Unto hint that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood." —R ev . 1 :5.

Volume X XV II'

December, 1936

Number 12


Cover by Adelbert Bartlett, Photographer, and Ransom D . Marvin, K ing ’ s B usiness Artist.................... ............Cover Around the King’s Table— Paul W . Rood................................................. 460 Biola’s President Visits Middle W e s t ............... 460 Power— Christina J. Braskamp........................................................................ 461 Annual Meeting of the W o rld ’s Christian Fundamentals Association 462 The Christmas Name— John MacBeath..................................................... 463 Born to Bleed—W . M . Robertson............................................................... 464 The Messianic Psalms— William L. Pettingill.......................................... 466 The Crowded Inn and the Closed ChurchS-Roy L. Laurin................. 467 ✓ The Cry of “ W a r”— Louis S. Bauman............................................... ....... 468 Junior King’s Business— Martha S. Hooker................................. ............. 471 International Lesson Commentary................................................................. 473 Notes on Christian Endeavor-SMary G . Goodner— .................... 484 Daily Devotional Readings........ ........ ........................................,................... 488 Bible Institute Family Circle.......................................................................... 497 W orld ’s Christian Fundamentals Association............................................... 501 Our Literature Table..................... 501 Girls’ Query Corner— Myrtle E. Scott....................................................... 502

I N F O R M A T I O N F O R TERMS: Sinele CoDies Annual Subscription _____ _____ _____ I______ $1.50 Two-yeax subscription or two annual subscriptions 2.50 10.00 Subscriptions in countries outside of U. S. require 25c extra. REMITTANCE: Should be made by Bank Draft, Ex­ press or P. O. Money Order, payable to “ The King's Business.“ Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please send both old and new address at least one month previous to date of desired change.


15c ADVERTISING: For information with reference to advertising in THE KING'S BUSINESS, address the ADVERTISING MANAGER, 588 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF., or our eastern representative, Religious Press Association, 825 North 13th Street, Philadelphia, Pa., or 333 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Entered as Second Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro-; vided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. MANUSCRIPTS: THE KING’S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration.

American Board of Missions to the Jews, Inc. 31 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Dear Friends:

Yes, I want to "return the compliment." Here is my gift of $................. to help give the Jews a welcome to the Gospel which brought salvation to my own soul. God bless you.

POLICY (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To act as the official organ of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life. (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith. THE 558 South Hope Street KING’S BUSINESS Los Angeles, California

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T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1936

Around the


n . mr H is Name Shall Be Called 01 „ For unto us a child is born, unto us a SOn 1S ^iven: an“ t'le government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isa. 9 :6 ). Christ was wonderful in His preexistence. T o the un­ believing Jews, Christ declared His preexistence when He said: “ Before Abraham was, I am” (John 8 :5 8 ). Christ was the active agent of the Godhead in the creation of the world. “ A ll things were made by h im ; and without him was not any thing made that was made” (John 1 :3 ). Christ is self-existent, without beginning and without end. “ In the beginning was the W ord , and the W ord was with God, and the W o rd was G od ” (John 1 :1 ). Christ ap­ peared to Abraham and had fellowship with him. Christ as “ the angel of the Lord” spoke to Joshua. The Jehovah of the O ld Testament is the Jesus of the New Testament. Christ was wonderful in His birth. He was born as no other person has been born. His birth was supernatural. He had a human mother but no human father. Gabriel explained to Mary the virgin birth of Christ in these words: “ Th e Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of G od ” (Lk. 1 :35 ). It is indeed wonderful that “ God was in Christ,” and that “ the W ord was made flesh” and our Lord “ took upon him the form of a servant.” “ For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich” (2 Cor. 8 :9 ). Christ was wonderful in His life. He never had a sin­ ful thought or spoke a sinful word or committed a sinful act. “ I find in him no fault at all,” said Pilate. Jesus could challenge His enemies with the words: “ Which of you convinceth me of sin ?” There may be spots on the sun that lights our earth, but there are no spots on the Sun of righteousness. Christ is the only sinless being o f flesh and bones that ever appeared on this planet. He was pure, righteous, and unselfish in a world of impurity, unrighteous­ ness, and selfishness. Christ was wonderful in His deeds. He unstopped the ears o f the deaf, opened the eyes of the blind, and caused the dumb to speak. He healed the sick, stilled the storm, fed the multitudes, and raised the dead. He was the great­ est miracle worker of all the ages. Christ was wonderful in His death. He is the only one who ever was born in order to die. Christ alone, who was both Son of God and Son of Man, could make atonement for the sins of man, and He could do it only through His sacrificial death upon the cross. “ But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom . 5 :8 ). Christ’s death was won­ derful because He took our place and “ bare our sins in his own body on the tree” and “ suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God.” Christ was wonderful in His resurrection. “ He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures” (1 Cor. 15 :4 ). “ But now is Christ risen from the dead, and be- , . h HH n r i f I

Pictured above is a group of ministers and leaders who cooperated with Dr. Rood in evangelistic meetings in Superior, Wis. First row, left to right: William F. Rawlins, Mrs. Rawlins, Paul W. Rood, O. Hofstad, and Alvin O. Carlson. Second row, left to right: Ray­ burn Dunbar, F. C. Hamlin, Fred Nelson, R. C. Hvass, Otto Simon, James Austin, and Charles C. Gould. Biola's President Visits M id d le W e s t S IN CE leaving Los Angeles early in October to accept invitations for evangelistic work in the Middle West, the President of the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, Paul W . Rood, has held meetings in four cities— Omaha, Nebr., Superior, W is., Duluth, Minn., and Chicago, 111.— besides numerous services conducted in smaller places. His return to Los Angeles has been planned for December first. A t Superior, Dr. Rood gave four weeks to a union cam­ paign, speaking daily to large audiences. Many souls were stirred through the evangelistic appeal and were led to accept Christ. One reason for the success of the meetings was found in the untiring support given by a large group o f the ministers of Superior. Moreover, the newspapers cooperated readily, giving generous space on many occasions to Dr. Rood’s sermons and to reports of the meetings. In preparation for the campaign and during the meetings, M r. and Mrs. W illiam F. Rawlins, who are well known to Institute friends, gave valuable assistance, especially in connection with children’s meetings. The Superior Evening Telegram published a five-column group picture of the children present at one meeting, printing in this connection the names of over one hundred boys and girls. The Rawlins’ “ gospel bus,” which is equipped with a loud speaker, was used in making the meetings known through­ out the city. Representing the ministers o f Superior who cooperated in the evangelistic effort under D r. Rood’s leadership, Alvin O . Carlson wrote to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles as follows: “ D r. Paul W . Rood, your President, closed a very suc­ cessful Union Evangelistic Campaign in Superior on Sun­ day night, November 8 . . . I have been asked to express our deep appreciation for Brother Rood’s gracious ministry in our m idst. . . God used our dear brother to the salvation o f many souls and the upbuilding o f the Christians in this city . . . Kindly express our gratitude to the Board and officers of Biola.” In Omaha, Superior, and Chicago, D r. Rood had the opportunity of speaking several times over the radio. It was also his privilege to return to a community in M in- [Continued on page 501]


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1936

City Hall, Los Angeles, ablaze with light from power generated at Boulder Dam.

King's Table

P o w e r


come the firstfruits of them that slept” (1 Cor. 15 :20 ). Christ conquered over sin, death, and all His foes. His resurrection body was a body of flesh and bones. He took something with Him back to heaven that He did not have when He left heaven— namely, a physical body. Christ re­ vealed Himself to His disciples on various occasions and ministered to them during the forty days that intervened be­ tween His resurrection and His ascension. The resurrec­ tion o f Christ is the best-proved fact of history, and it has mightily affected human history. T o His followers the Lord said, “ Because I live, ye shall live also” (John 14 :19 ). Christ is wonderful as Prophet, Priest, and King. As Prophet, He instructs us regarding God and His plan of redemption. As Priest, He has “ appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice o f himself,” and He now appears in the presence of God for us as our Advocate with the Father. As King, He shall appear the second time to set up His kingdom here on earth. Christ is the panacea for all our ills and the solution o f all our problems. He is a wonder­ ful Saviour because He is able to save to the uttermost all who come unto God by Him. He is a wonderful Lord because He is able to give us victory in the hour of testing and trial. He is a wonderful King because He will solve all national and international problems and will usher in an era o f righteousness and peace. Let us believe, follow, worship, obey, and serve our wonderful Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Petijlejjem'g pafcp By V E R N A SM ITH T E E UW IS SE N 0 Bethlehem’s Baby, so widely adored, Sent down upon earth to embody my Lord, 1 picture Thy being, so holy and sweet, Nor wonder that sages should bow at Thy feet; I thrill as I see in Thy Person the Son Whose beauties my deepest devotion have won; Not only far Bethlehem’s Baby, Thou art To me the blest Monarch that reigns in my heart! O Bethlehem’s Baby, we join in Thy praise, And count Thy famed birth our most joyous of days; But I wonder how many who sing of Thee know For whom recognition they thoughtlessly show, When, lauding the Baby that lies in the hay, The Man on the Cross they are turning away; And I yearn to present Thee to sin-blinded men A s more than just Bethlehem’s Baby to them. 0 Bethlehem’s Babe, Thou art fading away In the vision I gain of my Saviour today. 1 bless Thee, O God, that Thine infinite plan Should provide that Thy Son should be born as a Man— But a song of redemption more joyous I sing As I offer my praise that my glorious King From Bethlehem’s manger forever should part To now be enthroned in the depths of my heart.

By Christina J. Braskamp Secretary of Biota's World-Wide Prayer Circle

Astride the power of 115,000 horses, with burning plumes out­ spread, the Giant of Hoover [Boulder] Dam— Electricity— rode into Los Angeles last night [October 9, 1936], casting a heretofore un­ seen and magnificent glare on more than 1,000,000 persons who crowded the downtown district from end to end. Across the desert he came, over the mountains and down the Pomona Valley, bringing the first great gifts of the mighty Colorado— light and power. And he wrought his miracle . . .On top of the City Hall tower sixteen great searchlights, each of 325,000 candlepower, extended long fingers of brilliance into the darkness. Hoover Dam power had arrived, 115,000 horsepower strong. But it was only one-fifteenth of what is to come. There was just one turbine running last night. When the project is complete, there will be fifteen, producing a total of 1,725,000 horsepower.— Los Angeles Times. E L E C T R IC IT Y is an amazing element; those who know most about it are still unable to explain the extent of its possibilities. What electricity is in the physical realm, prayer is in the spiritual realm. Prayer is power. It presents unfathomable wonders. It brings to pass changes that affect countless lives. W ith the organization of Biola’s W orld -W ide Prayer Circle, and the consequent Continuing intercession of thousands o f Christians, divine power has been released which has brought to Biola a radiance and an energy as great— in their kind— as the power which recently flooded Los Angeles with light. On the epochal night of October 9, only one-fifteenth o f the power capable of being generated at Boulder Dam was used. Likewise, only a fraction of the prayer power available to Christians has ever been utilized. As a man may enter a power plant, and by merely mov- ■ ing a lever on a switchboard, may direct electrical energy sufficient to illumine a vast section of a city, so a Christian, in the quiet, unseen ministry of prayer, may “ touch the switch” which w ill take the Light to any part of the world. It must be remembered that the man at the switchboard and the Christian on his knees each has definite laws which must be obeyed before power can come. T o the believer, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself has made this plain: “ If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” (John 15 :7 ). Th e Christian who is in touch with the One who is omnipotent, infinite, and eternal, the One who spans the heavens with His hand and weighs the world in His bal­ ances, can— by his very helplessness— become a channel through which divine power may flow. In 42 States of the Union, Canada, and several foreign countries, many o f the Lord’s dear children have chosen to be the consecrated vehicles for the manifestation of His power. These friends have agreed to give one hour a week to prayer for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and they have written to the Institute, designating which hour they prefer. Their membership is indicated on the rapidly grow­ ing Official Prayer Chart. In their vigil, they have fellow­ ship with hundreds o f other Christians, and, serving [Continued on page 498]


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1936

ANNUAL MEETING The World's Christian Fundamentals Association A T T H E

Bible Institute of Los Angeles and the Church of the Open Door Los Angeles, California January 17 to 24, 1937 Theme: “ Is the K ingdom at H an d ?”

W. B. RILEY Executive Secretery

PAUL W. ROOD President




3 :00 p . m . What is the Difference Between the Kingdom o f God and the Kingdom o f Heaven ? 4 :00 p . m . Surprise Hour. 7 :30 p . m . A Bird’s-Eye View o f the Seven Dis­ pensations. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20. “ THE CHURCH AND THE KINGDOM“ 8 :30 a . m . Prayer Meeting. 9 :30 a . m . When and Why Was the Church Founded ? 10:30 a . m . What Is the Difference Between Christendom and the True Church? 2 :00 p . m . What Is the Mystery Which from the Beginning o f the World Had Been Hid in God and Was Revealed to and Through Paul? 3 :00 p . m . What W ill Characterize the Church in the End o f Tim e? 4 :00 p . m . Surprise Hour. 7 :30 p . m . Is Modernism the Predicted Apos­ tasy? THURSDAY, JANUARY 21. “ THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST AND THE KINGDOM“ 8 :30 A. m . Prayer Meeting. 9 :30 a . m . Why Must Christ Come Again ? 10:30 a . m . Are There Two Aspects to the Re­ turn o f the Lord?

2 :00 p . m . What Will Happen When Christ Re­ turns? 3 :00 p . m . What Takes Place on Earth after the Rapture o f the Church? 4 :00 p . m . Surprise Hour. 7 :30 p . m . What is the Difference Between the Judgment Seat o f Christ and the Judgment o f the White Throne? FRIDAY, JANUARY 22. “ THE THRONE OF CHRIST AND THE KINGDOM“ 8 :30 A.M. Prayer Meeting. 9 :30 a . m . How Will the Kingdom be Set Up and How Long Will Christ Reign? 10:30 a . m . W hat W ill Be the Characteristics of the Kingdom? 2 :00 p . m . What Place Will the Jew Occupy During the Kingdom? 4 :00 p . m . Surprise Hour. 7 :30 p . m . Is the Kingdom at Hand ?


11:00 a . m . Christ as Prophet. 2 :30 p . m . Christ as Priest. 7 :30 p . m . Christ as King.

MONDAY, JANUARY 18. “ THE BIBLE AND THE KINGDOM“ 8 :30 a . m . Prayer Meeting. 9 :30 a . m . The Infallible Bible, Our Supreme Au­ thority. 10:30 A.M. The Place o f Christ in the Word and His Attitude Toward the Word. 2 :00 p . m . Why W e Should Study Prophecy. 3 :00 p . m . How to Study the Bible. 4 :00 p . m . Surprise Hour. 7 :30 p . m . Seven Reasons for Believing That the Bible is the Inerrant Word o f God.




8:30 a . m . Prayer Meeting. 9 :30 a . m . Is Dispensationalism in the Bible ? 10:30 a . m . Are There »Three Dispensations De­ scribed in the Book o f Genesis? 2 :00 p . m . What is the Difference Between the Dispensation o f the Law and the Dis­ pensation o f Grace ?


11:00 a . m . The Signs o f the Times in Israel. 2 :30 P.M. The Signs o f the Times in the Church. 7 :30 p . m . The Signs o f the Times in the N a­ tions.

The men whose pictures appear on this page are only a few of the number of speakers expected.


Gustaf F. Johnson Minneapolis, Minn.

W. Graham Scroggie Edinburgh, Scotland


Decomber, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

The Saviou r, the Lord Jesus Christ, is th e personification and the giver of perfect peace. He is the Prince of Peace.

Christmas greetings bring suggestions of tranquillity, peaceful lalces a n d winding streams, quiet woods and snowy silences.

Putnam Studios

The Christmas Name By JO H N MacBEATH Glasgow, Scotland

S O M E time ago, a new planet was discovered, and astronomers had the uncommon difficulty of finding a suitable name for it. An embarrassment much more acute troubled the mind o f the prophet when he attempted to find an appropriate and adequate name for the coming Prince of Israel. He began to write, “ His name shall be called Wonderful . . . but that one name alone would not suffice. There must be another name, and other names after that. W o n d e r f u l “ His name shall be called W onderful.” This title says so much and yet so little. It is a subtle, elastic, inclusive term; we use it to express the inexpressible. It is a word we employ when other best words seem inappropriate and insufficient. David confessed that Jonathan’s love was “ wonderful.” Used words are exhausted, the literary critics say, when they urge writers to find new living words in their own hearts. The poet Gray was praised because he gave the worn thoughts of men a second youth by find­ ing for them the perfect word. It was not easy to find for Christ the perfect w o rd ; many names and titles were given, but all o f them together do not explain, much less ex­ haust Him. On His head are many crowns, and for His title are many names. “ W onderful” is the first, for in Him were qualities that were inexpressible. Th e wonder started at His birth: “ A ll they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.” This sense of surprise continued into His min­ istry. They “ wondered at the gracious words which pro­ ceeded out of his mouth.” His miracles increased the wonder: “ W e have seen strange things today.” It was also true about His passion. “ Wonder,” said Plato, “ is the beginning of philosophy.” It is more than that; it is the beginning o f the gospel:

And from my smitten heart, with tears, Tw o wonders I confess, The wonders of His glorious love, And my own worthlessness. C o u n se l o r

Another name given to Jesus in advance through prophecy was “ Counselor.” It introduces the element of knowledge and wisdom. “ W h o w ill show us any good?” inquired an ancient mind. The replies have been so re­ peatedly unsatisfactory that another writer exclaims, “ Ah, what a dusty answer gets the soul when hot for certainties in a world like this!” When the hungry mind of man de­ sires knowledge, when the perplexed mind seeks assurance, and the anxious mind craves relief for its trouble, the hu­ man heart cries for a Counselor. There are two contrasted pictures of Jesus. In the first, He is a Child asking questions; in the second, He is a full-grown Man answering questions. W ise men like Nic- odemus came confessing, “ Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from G od.” Young, alert, and curious- minded men came asking, “ What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” Jesus stood among men as a Coun­ selor, uttering words o f such understanding and wisdom that men confessed that “ He taught them as one having authority.” This Counselor will not give “ a dusty answer” to your question. T h e M ig h t y G od The prophet was not satisfied; he must go still further and suggest another name: “ The mighty G od .” Th e charge against Jesus was that He made Himself equal with God. Men had asked, “ W h o can forgive sins but God only?” Jesus proceeded to exercise that prerogative, to use that power which He declared God reserved to Himself. He [ Continued on page 500]

December, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


T O B L E E D \


By W . M. ROBERTSON* Vancouver, B. C.

dium of thought ever known, had made the people, in a great measure, a people of one tongue. The way was thus prepared for the dissemination of the gospel. Prophetically, it was “ the fulness o f the time.” There was the expectation, throbbing intensely in the heart of every devout Jew, of a Deliverer, the Messiah, who should come and fulfill the promises made unto the fathers. Simeon was typical o f others who looked “ for the consola­ tion of Israel.” A ll of the voices of the prophets had pointed to the coming o f One— the Desire of all nations and the Glory of His people Israel— in whom all the fam­ ilies of the earth should be blessed. That was the point on which the expectation of devout Israelites, possessing the oracles of God, was fixed with an intense and earnest longing. It was to this intense and passionate expectation of the people that John the Baptist addressed himself when he bade them repent, for the kingdom of heaven was at hand. This same intense and passionate longing, the ful­ fillment of all types and prophecies, and the drift of all prior revelations, Christ claimed to satisfy in Himself, when He came forth and preached that the time was ful­ filled and the kingdom of heaven was at hand. The veri­ fication of prophecy was thus complete. It was “ the fulness o f the time.” Morally, it was “ the fulness of the time.” A t the birth of Christ, the moral condition of the world was deplorable in the extreme. The dreadful picture of human depravity, given us in the first chapter of the Epistle to the Romans, is no darker than that given by pagan writers. Some there are who affirm that Paul was guilty of gross exaggeration in depicting human nature in such terrible colors in the first chapter of his Roman Epistle, but an appeal to pagan writers confirms the view of the apostle. Moralists like Seneca, satirists like Juvenal, historians like Tacitus, agree that human nature at that period had sunk to the lowest levels of degradation and vice. On that hard pagan world, disgust and secret loathing fell; Deep weariness and sated lust made human life a hell. Mankind has never shown a truer instinct than when it has agreed by common consent to make the birth of Christ the era of its new life, which marks off all the ages that went before as the “ O ld W o rld ,” and dates its existence thenceforth as the “ New W o rld .” Living in the full light of Christian truth, under institutions which have been formed and molded by the influence of Christian teaching,

"But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might re­ ceive the adoption of sons” (Gal. 4 :4 , 5 ). T HESE words give us a concise yet comprehensive summary of the great doctrine of the Incarnation of Christ. They are a Spirit-inspired compendium of saving truth. Though enshrining truths of the most pro­ found character, the language is such that even a child may understand. Th e simplicity, however, is not the sim­ plicity o f superficiality; it is the simplicity o f sublimity. Everything necessary for the experience of salvation is con­ tained therein. In days when the real purpose of Christ’s coming into the world is in large measure obscured, it is well to hear again in the most plain language what the Spirit has to say on this all-important matter. T h e P eriod "When the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son." “ God sent” is the most frequent form o f speech with reference to the Incarnation and indicates the mission from the Father which the Son undertook. W h ile this is the most common form of speech with reference to the In­ carnation, it in no wise implies any thought of reluctance on the part of the Son. “ I came forth from the Father” (John 16 :28 ), is His own declaration concerning His ad­ vent into the world. His was a glad and willing obedi­ ence. He delighted to do the Father’s will. Some have asked the question, “ W hy did not Christ come sooner?” A t first sight it does seem strange that centuries of human history— and such a tragic history— should pass, before the Redeemer should come. But God has a wise purpose in seeming delay, and man has had opportunity to demon­ strate his utter incompetence to unravel the enigmas of his existence and free himself from the bondage and burden of sin. “ In due time Christ died for the ungodly.” There was perfect suitability in the time chosen for the advent of our Lord. Everything was ripe for the Redeemer. Politically, it was “ the fulness o f the time.” By means o f the Roman Empire, the world was under one govern­ ment. Under the Roman authority, intercourse between all parts o f the world was established and thus facilities were available for the spread of the message about to be proclaimed. The Greek language, the most perfect me- * Pastor, Metropolitan Tabernacle.

December, 1936

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ever known. He came specifically to redeem men. He was born to bleed. A story is on record that, on one occa­ sion, Alexander, the Emperor of Russia, passing through a room, found one of his aides-de-camp sleeping at a table and in front of him was a long list of his debts drawn up on a piece of paper. A t the foot were these words : “ W ho is to pay all of this?” The Emperor, without disturbing the sleeper, wrote “ I, Alexander.” Great was the sleeper’s joy when he awoke and found that the Emperor himself had undertaken to pay all of his debts. And this is exactly what Christ has done. “ In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace” (Eph. 1 :7 ). “ The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many” (M k . 10 :45 ). “ Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood” (Rev. 5 :9 ). N o one can do justice to the facts of the New Testament and deny that redemption by the blood of Christ is its central doctrine. Paul, writing in 1 Corinthians 15:3, 4, declares: “ I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.” “ First of all”— first, not in order of time, but of precedence. The primacy of the atonement is indicated over and over again. Christ was sent into the world, not “ to condemn the w orld ; but that the world through him might be saved.” In the stupendous self- sacrifice of His death, we have thé only expiation to which guilty and fearful consciences can look as absolving the penitent from guilt, and purging the conscience from dead works to serve the living God. There is no other expia­ tion that can set the conscience free. The realization/that the great sacrifice has been offered for the sin o f the world, and pardon and peace ratified to believers in [ Continued on page 502]

we, in this year of grace, can hardly realize what the life of the old world was without them. The normal condi­ tion of things “ before Christ” is plain to any student of history. The weak were the natural prey of the strong. Lust and passion were absolutely unbridled. Cruelty was a commonplace. The greedy eyes of refined Roman ladies could gloat over the agonies of men, women, and children being torn asunder by wild beasts in the amphitheater and show no shred of pity or remorse. ’Mankind, left to natural reason, grew hopelessly and utterly corrupt. The Incarnation was a predestined event, and it took place just when it ought to have occurred. T h e P rocess “ Born of a woman, born under the law" (R . V .) The birth o f Jesus is not regarded as the beginning of His being. He was before He was sent. He was from all eternity the Son of God. “ In the beginning was the W ord, and the W ord was with God, and the W o rd was G od ” (John 1 :1 ), “ and the W o rd was made flesh” (John 1 :14 ). Thus in the mystery of the Incarnation, He, who from all eternity had been in the bosom o f the Father, became the woman’s seed that should bruise the serpent’s head (cf. Gen. 3 :1 5 ). The words not only affirm but deny. Nothing is said of another earthly parent. “ And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus” (M att. 1 :1 6 ). There is no “ begat” now. Jesus was not begotten of natural generation. He had no earth­ ly father. He was conceived by the Holy Ghost. The Virgin Birth may, as Harry Emerson Fosdick says, con­ tain “ a biological miracle which is unacceptable to the modern mind,” but it is a fundamental doctrine of genuine Christianity. Had our Lord entered upon His human manifestation through the channels that produce ordinary mortals, He would have partaken of a sinful nature and could not have been the Saviour of sinners. “ Made under the law “ He, who was the Son of God, voluntarily took His place under the law in order to ful­ fill its obligations and in order to pay the penalty for us. “ Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us” - (Gal. 3 :1 3 ). The chosen race had had its opportunity to test and try whether men could by themselves live up to a perfect law when it was revealed, and they had demonstrated that, left to themselves, they could not. The flesh was too weak, and the passions of the natural man too strong; and the law, which in itself was holy, just, and good, was turned into a matter of petty superstitious scruples, and outward ceremonies of worship. But our Lord Jesus Christ came and rendered perfect obedience to that law, honored its most minute require­ ments, and, in the wealth of His perfect obedience, bore its penalty for those who came under its curse through disobedience. “ For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: that the righteousness of the law might be ful­ filled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit” (Rom . 8:3, 4 ). Then the Spirit of the Highest on a virgin meek came down, And He burdened her with blessing, and He pained her with renown, For she bare the Lord’s Anointed for His cross and for His crown. T h e P urpose “ To redeem them that were under the law.” This was His great goal. Christ Jesus did not come into the world merely to give to men a radiant example of lofty living, nor to teach them the highest code of ethics the world has


December, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

The Messianic Psalms* By W ILL IAM L J?ETTINGILL Wilmington, Öelaware

inducted into office by having the holy oil poured upon them; and thus they were called the Lord’s anointed ones. Our Lord is the Anointed One, the Messiah, the Christ, par excellence, for He is Prophet, Priest, and King. In His first -advent nineteen centuries ago He was the Prophet, speaking for God to men; in His present session in heaven He is functioning as the Priest, appearing before God for men; and when He comes to earth again He will take up His office as King, reigning for God over men. “ Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us” (v. 3 ). Here we have pictured a League of Nations in solemn conclave asserting their independence of God and His Christ and declaring their purpose to throw overboard their authority and dominion. That this spirit of rebellion had already begun at the time of our Lord’s, crucifixion is shown by Peter’s quotation from the Second Psalm in Acts 4 : 23-28; but the picture revealed in the Psalm must find its full realization in the end-time. When we reflect upon what has already been done along this line in the single nation of Russia, and of similar mani­ festations in Germany and elsewhere, it is not difficult to visualize the scene depicted in the Psalm when the nations of the world w ill unite in an effort to drive God and His Christ out of the world. T he V oice of the F ather ( vs . 4-6) “H e that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh” (v. 4 ). Setting aside for the moment the tragedy of it, there is real comedy here. H ow ridiculous it is for these creatures of God, who owe to Him their very lives, to assert inde­ pendence of God and seek to overthrow His dominion! “ The Lord shall have them in derision” (v. 4 ). Here the name is not Jehovah but Adonai, which really means “ Lord.” He is the Ruler over all; and He has them in derision. In all their rebellion He looks upon them and laughs. But all the time He goes on feeding them and clothing them. Behold the patience of G o d ! “ Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath” (v. 5 ). N ot since the flood of Noah has the Lord spoken in wrath to the human race, but one day He will speak in judgment. “ And vex them in his sore displeasure” (v. 5 ). Here is an intimation of the Great Tribulation. It is “ the wrath to come” from which we believers are to be delivered, “ For God hath not appointed us to wrath” (1 Thess. 1 :9, 10; 5 :9 ). “ Yet have I set my King upon my holy hill of Zion” (v. 6 ). Here is G od ’s reply to the rebellious nations. \Continued on page 499]

I ntroduction C H R IS T is the theme of the Bible. Both He and the Book are the W ord of God, He being the W ord in­ carnate, and the Book being the W ord written. He is the theme of the whole Bible. In the O ld Testa­ ment as well as in the New Testament He is the central figure. Throughout the Scriptures, “ the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” The purpose of thé series of studies now beginning is to look for Him in the Psalms. That He is there is abun­ dantly proved by the many quotations from the Psalms found in the New Testament, in which the Psalms re­ ferred to are applied to Him. Such Psalms are called Messianic, though it is not doubted that the Messiah is in many other Psalms not thus quoted and applied. The Son o f God to be Enthroned as King P salm 2 The Second Psalm is quoted and cited in the New Tes­ tament at least seven times, and it is clearly applied to Christ. This will be seen as we proceed. The Psalm naturally falls into four parts of three verses each; and in each part a different voice is heard. T he V oice of the N ations (vs, 1-3) "W hy do the nations rage’’ (v. 1, R .V .). The word “ heathen” is a worn-out word, and the Revisers have done well to change the translation to “ nations.” “ And the people imagine a vain thing” (v . 1 ). “ Peoples” is better than “ people” ; it is a collective plural noun. "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against Jehovah” (v. 2, R .V .). Whenever in the O ld Testament the word L O R D or G O D is found printed altogether in capital letters, you may know that in either case it stands for the name Je­ hovah. It is one of the tragedies of the commonly used Authorized Version that this name of Deity, occurring more than seven thousand times in the Hebrew Scriptures, is preserved to the English reader in only three instances. “ And against his Anointed” (v. 2 ). “ Anointed” in the Hebrew is “ Messiah,” and its Greek equivalent is “ Christ.” In O ld Testament times, prophets, priests, and kings were * Studies in this important subject are being prepared especially for T he K ing ’ s B usiness i y William L. Pettingill, author, pub­ lisher, and Bible teacher. It is expected that other articles in the series will appear in 1937. All rights reserved.

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