King's Business - 1936-12


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1936

sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” W e must remember that the desire to save sinners brought Jesus Christ, the Son of God, from His home in glory, to this sinful earth. In the life He lived on earth, Christ was a perfect example for us. But in order to cleanse us from sin, He had to shed His blood for us on the cross. Doubtless there are boys and girls, stained and tarnished with sin here this morning, who have never accepted Christ as Saviour. He came from heaven and died on the cross to save you. W ill you open your heart this morning and let Him come in and save you from sin? Lesson Text: John 3:1-17. Golden Text: “ Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he can­ not see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). Outline and Exposition I. T he N eed for N ew L ife (1-7) I F m orality , goodness, religious zeal, or sincerity of purpose could give new life, Nicodemus, who possessed all of these, would have had it. But the very fact that such a man as Nicodemus did not have the new life indicates that the need for a re­ birth is universal. Nicodemus, though religiously trained, was ignorant (v. 2) ; he had to come to Jesus in order to learn the truth. The mir­ acles were to him credentials of authority to speak for G o d ; to him they ‘were not credentials of deity. New life comes from the life-giving words of Jesus rather than from belief in His mighty works. Nicode­ mus came seeking light, and he was given at once what he sought. He was told the necessity of the new birth—he needed to be “ born again” or born “ from above.” That word astonished him, and he asked: “ How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born?” His question reveals the folly of trying to understand the truths of God by natural reason. Jesus continued to teach Nicodemus by revealing that the new birth is accomplished by the Spirit of God using the Word of God (v. 5). That which is born of the flesh is flesh, though it were born a thou­ sand times by the flesh. Until a man is born again, he remains void of spiritual life and dwells in death. There may be existence, but there cannot be life-, he remains ignorant of spiritual truth, BLACKBOARD LESSON

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said the Apostle Paul. "How can I, except some man should guide me,” said the AFRICAN to Philip. Thousands of native AFRICANS are waiting to hear of Jesus. The S.A.G.M. is pioneering in uncovered territories, and through its band of faithful workers is seeking to make Christ known. Information will be furnished on request.


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Brooklyn, New York

JANUARY 10, 1937 NEW LIFE IN CHRIST J ohn 2:1 to 3:36

■k N E W

lacks spiritual power, and dwells in help­ lessness and hopelessness. This passage re­ veals that because of the fall, man’s intel­ lectual nature was ruined and he needs light, his affectional nature was debased and he needs love, and his volitional nature was marred ; therefore he needs life (cf. 1 Cor. 2:14; Gal. 5:19-23; Rom. 8:6, 7). II. T he M ethod of the N ew L ife (8-13) The method is likened to the wind, blow­ ing where and when it will. The wind is invisible but very real; it may not be seen, but may be felt; it is 'God’s work and not man’s. T o gain benefit from it demands being in its path and allowing it to do as it w ills; obey its laws and it will do the work necessary. In like manner the Spirit touches and breathes new life in a soul. This illustration suggested another ques­ tion from Nicodemus, but the reply was a rebuke— he, a teacher of Israel, supposed to be familiar with the Scriptures, should have known these things. Jesus gave him further instruction, the while asserting the certainty of the things taught, “W e speak that we do know.” The use of the plural pronoun “ we” identified the Lord with the company of the prophets who had spoken, prophets whose writings should have been familiar to Nicodemus. Jesus proved that His word was according to Scripture. If the necessity for new birth is ques­ tioned, the method by which it is received cannot be applied. The “ why,” the neces­ sity, is an earthly need; the “ how,” the method, is a heavenly process. The “ how” is a mystery, and no man is able to explain the philosophy of it. It* comes by thè Holy Spirit who is like the wind blowing whither and when it will. T o benefit by the wind there must first be the recognition of the need for it. One who even casually looks into Scripture will quickly find the need for the new birth (cf. Rom. 3:22, 23; Jas. 2:10; John 3:36; Jer. 17:9; Eph. 2:1-3). The heavenly things, or the “ how” of the new birth have been brought down from heaven in the person of the Son of Man. III. T he S ource of the N ew B irth (14-17) Jesus used an illustration from the Old Testament Scriptures (vs. 14, 15), from a well-known passage from the Book of Num­ bers (Num. 21). The poison of the serpents endangered the lives of those who were bitten, and the people cried unto Moses to


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