King's Business - 1936-12

December, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


» I U lAJoM BEST BOOK ^CHILDREN! Egermeier’s B i b le S t o r y Booh

rTHE finest book o f Bible Stories. Stories of heroes and adven- ture that thrill—Stories of great and good men that inspire —Stories that unconsciously build character. Placed at the pinnacle of up-to-date educational ideals by ministers, child psychologists, earnest teachers, and thoughtful parents. This biggest and most popular book o f Bible Stories is offered in its 15th edition. Suitable a s G ift on Any O c c a s io n — but especially fine for Christmas. Vivid word pictures depict in easily read type on non-glare paper the famous Bible Stories everybody loves. Covers the Bible in chronological order. Advocates no creed but the Bible. Contains 234 stories, over 200 fascinating illustrations , 18 full page art-color famous pictures. Animated maps show geographical back­ ground of Old and New Testament worlds. Printed on a new non-glare paper to prevent eye strain. Large, clear, self-pronouncing type. Beautifully bound. Price, $2.00. Order today from us or from your church supply house GO SP EL TRUMPET CO., Dept. B-20, Anderson, Indiana

Object Lesson C ups and C hristians

Objects: A folding drinking cup, an ordi­ nary aluminum cup, and a pitcher of water. Lesson: Did you boys and girls know that Christians are like cups? These cups that I have here are so much like Christians that I have named them “ Faithful” and “ Fickle.” , Some Christians are faithful in serving Christ, while others are fickle. What difference do you see in these cups? “ One is a folding cup, and the other is not.” A folding cup is often very handy if you are traveling, but it can be very disappoint­ ing as well. It sometimes collapses and loses all the water, just as this one is now doing. This other cup keeps the water which is poured into it for some one who is thirsty. You remember that Jesus talked to the woman at the well about the Living Water. Many people are thirsting for Christ, the Living Water. The woman left the well and went to tell others that she had found Lesson Text:- John 5:2-9; 6:8-15. Golden Text: “ The same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me” (John 5:36). Outline and Exposition I. T he W aiting M ultitu de « (John 5:2-9) T h e pool called Bethesda, meaning “ house of mercy,” or “ house of kind­ ness,” was surrounded by porches in which lay- a multitude o f people afflicted with various diseases (vs. 2-4). These-were “waiting” for a disturbance of the water in the pool in order to be the first to step into it, desirous of receiving healing. Among the waiting ones was a man to whom waiting seemed hopeless (v. 5). Thirty-eight years he had hoped to be the first in the water, but because of his physi­ cal handicap, he was powerless to take

Christ. Just so, Christians today are ex­ pected to tell others about Christ who can satisfy the thirst of the human soul. Some Christians, I am glad to say, are like this ordinary cup, for they take Christ, the Living Water, to those who are dying in sin. Others, who are like this folding cup, are not trustworthy, and cannot carry Christ to those who are thirsting for Him. What kind of a Christian are you— fickle or faithful? If you are giving Christ, the Living Water, to thirsty souls,; you are faithful; if not, you are fickle. advantage of the troubled waters.; Help­ lessness and hopelessness characterized this poor man. If it is true that “ hope deferred maketh the heart sick,” then how sick must have been the heart of such a one! His dependence was upon outward means, the water in the pool; upon special occasions, when the water was troubled, and upon some human aid to assist him into the pool. How much this man resembles some people today who are waiting for salvation, ex­ pecting it to come by special meetings or through a special evangelist! In passing, we might note the revelation of human selfishness. In all of those thirty-eight years there had never been one person who had allowed this man to enter the pool first. Suddenly Jesus appeared; then the place became the house of mercy for that man (vs. 6-9). In the man there was impotence, in Jesus omnipotence and omniscience. Without questioning concerning why or how long the man had been there, Jesus asked: “W ilt thou be made whole?” T o answer in the affirmative meant a confession of need, because of the word “ whole,” a con­ fession of helplessness because of the word “ be made,” a confession of personal need because of the word “ thou,” and a confes­ sion of personal choice because of the word “ wilt.” This man had thought that all that was needed was some one who would assist him into the pool; he is like many people who wait for salvation to come to them.

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wads, Self Abuse, a booklet; Beauty Shops, il. Movies, 6 il. Grave Snakes, 3 il. Girl's Fate, 9 il. Wife's Test,

JANUARY 24, 1937 TWO MIRACLES OF MERCY J ohn 5:1 to 6:71

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