December, 1936
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
based merely upon economic motives. No reform can permanently succeed that is not based ultimately upon the spiritual motive to glorify God. And God cannot be glorified except through Jesus Christ His Son. Most intelligent men know the appal ling cost of alcohol and war, but the eco nomic motive will never cure drunkards nor wipe out the curse of war. Only Christ and His grace can do that. Such words may not pander to the self-sufficiency of sinful humanity, but they are true. Golden Text Illustration I saiah 55:2 In a speech not long before the war, Abraham Lincoln said: “This legalized liquor traffic, as carried on in the saloon and grog shops, is the tragedy of civiliza tion. Good citizenship demands and re quires that what is right should not only be made known, but be made prevalent; that what is evil should not only be de tected and defeated, but destroyed. The saloon has proved itself to be the greatest foe, the most blighting curse, of modern civilization, and this is the reason that I am a practical prohibitionist. W e must not be satisfied until the public sentiment and the individual conscience shall be in structed to look upon the saloon keeper and the liquor seller, with all the license- earth can give them, as simply and only a privileged malefactor— a criminal.” That much from the great Emancipator! Yet the liquor element are today maligning his memory by calling him a “ bartender” —but when did the truth ever emanate from distilleries, breweries or saloons ? — The Bottles of Heaven, by Revilo. Why a Servant Lost His Job M atth ew 24:45-51; P roverbs 21:17; 23:20, 21 Memory Verse: “W e will drink no wine” (Jer. 35:6). Approach: All of the time that the Lord Jesus was on earth, He kept telling His disciples of the time when He would leave them and go back to heaven. This made them sad, for it was hard for them to un- de r s t a nd that He must suffer and die. But Jesus also told them that after He. was gone awhile, He would c ome again. He didn’t say when, but H e sai d that they must be ready, and in a story that He told them, He explained how they were to get ready. Lesson Story: He spoke of how it would be if a man had to go away on a journey and had left his home in the care of one of his servants. Suppose this servant said to himself, “My master has been gone a long time. Maybe he is not coming back at all. I’m just going to have a good time.” So he would begin to beat his fellow serv ants, and to eat and drink with the drunken, forgetting all about taking care of his master’s property. Then suppose the master came very unexpectedly. What a confusion there would be! The wicked servant would not be able to explain why ^ V l s i O *
he had been acting in this manner. Do you think that the master would keep him in his household ? No, he would send him away. Jesus wanted His disciples to know that after He was gone, He was leaving them to take care of His work on earth, and that they must be faithful until He should come again. Each one of us who belongs to Jesus must be faithful to Him.
Now is the time to replace THAT OLD BIBLE with the latest and best C L E A R B L A C K Edition of the King: James Version printed from A NEW TYPE PACE This Bible was made after exhaustive scientific experimentation in order to produce a style of type that would be both bold and legible. This Bible is the product of His Majesty’s Printers of London, and is published by Harper & Brothers o f New York. SAMPLE OF TYPE 4 1 am counted with them that go down into the pit: I am as -a man that hath no strength: Composed o f most pleasing clear-cut letters that do not tire the eye. CLEAR- BLACK is acclaimed by experts as the best Bible type available today. Proper names are marked for pronunciation. Made in Text, Reference, Concordance and Teachers’ Editions in fine quality Bible paper and thin India paper. Prices from $3.00 up. Consult your bookseller or send for catalogue S5. HARPER & BROTHERS 49 East 33rd Street, New York There’sno surer, easier, more pleas ant way to raise money for church or club than with the aid of our co operative selling plan. Nearly a'.l women know the fine qualities of Gottschalk’s Metal Sponge.They've used it foryears... wouldn't be with out it . . . and will buy glad ly from you. O ver 50,000 organizations have profited from our plan. Wr i t e f o r p articulars. METALSPONGESALESCORP., Phlla., Pa. Gottschalk’s METAL SPONGE Use a M o o d y Bible Course for Group Study e Thousands of Christians all over the world are studying the Bible in groups, using one of the fifteen home-study Bible courses of the Correspondence School of Moody Bible Institute. Over 1000 such groups have been organized. Some meet at the Sunday Scheol hour, others at any convenient time during the week. Pennsylvania — “ The class is enjoying the Practical Christian Work course very much." Illinois — “ The Teacher Training Course has been soul-stirring." Wisconsin — “ The Great Epochs class is increasingly valuable. C. E. Society has enlarged 300%." Courses written by such Bible scholars as Doctors Gray, Torrey, Scofield, Ralston, Lowry, and Benson. Enroll a class in your church or your neighborhood. Half rates possible by group method. Write for details. The .Moody Bible Institute Correspondence School 163 Institute Place, Dept 4209A, Chicago, III. Please send me: □ 56-page Home Study Prospectus, outlining all courses. □ 8-page folder, “ Bible Study Classes at Half Rate.” Name ________________ ,_______________________ Address. ______________________________________ Orqanizàtîon Funds Nay Be Had Quickly
Object Lesson B u yin g B read
Objects: Four English walnuts and a hammer. (Separate the two halves of each walnut, and remove the meats. Fill the first shell with some rags and a small per fume bottle filled with vinegar; the second with a small imitation cigarette; the third with an imitation playing card, an imita tion theater ticket, a miniature dancing dress; and the fourth with a book-shaped piece of paper on which the word “Bible” is printed. A small red cross appears on the inside of the “ book.” Glue the shells back together.) Lesson: Look at what is on the inside of this nut! I find a small bottle which looks like a whiskey bottle, and some rags. This reminds me of the words of Isaiah, “Where fore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which satisfieth not?” People are spending money for whiskey, not remembering that the Bible tells us that the drunkard shall come to ,rags. What do you suppose we shall find in this next nut? It looks like a little cigarette. Think of all the money that is being spent for tobacco, while people are hungry for bread. The next nut has a little card with hearts on it, a show ticket, and a dancing dress. They suggest pleasure. Many are spending money for pleasures which neither feed the soul nor,satisfy the heart. The Bible says: “ She that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth.” The fourth nut contains something very different. It is the Bible, and on the inside of the Bible I find a red cross which re minds us of the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. Christ, His cross, and His Word satisfy the heart. I hope you boys and girls are not spend ing your money, time, and talents for that which is not bread; but that you are seek ing the Lord while He may be found, and calling upon Him while He is near. God in His Word tells us: “Whosoever shall call on the name o f the Lord shall be saved.” If you have never received Christ as your Saviour, will you do it now? “ If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Rom. 10:9, 10).
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