King's Business - 1936-12

You will be paid $10 for sending us ten annual Subscriiptions for The King's Ibusiness at $1.50 each. 1fhis allows you $1 on each $1.50 you collect

A N N U A L SUBSCR IPTIONS in Clubs o f 10 or more, E A C H 5 0 c UNTIL CHRISTMAS ONLY, single subscriptions will be accepted at 75 cents each. At any time during the period of the Club-of-Ten offer, groups of 3 to 6 •will be ac­ cepted at 75 cents for each annual subscription. (Add. 25 cents for Canadian and foreign subscriptions to cover cost of extra postage.) THE K ING 'S BUSINESS G R O W S IN POPULARITY The November KING’S BUSINESS was the largest edition of this magazine since January, 1927— almost ten years. Furthermore, it was the largest issue of any Bible Institute publication in the United States this year. The Club-of-Ten plan makes possible the wide distribution of this attrac­ tive, Scriptural periodical. Sunday-school superintendents are ordering large numbers of subscriptions to be given to their teachers and officers. THE KING’S BUSINESS is also a popular gift— especially at the Christmas season. Hundreds of Christians choose this practical method of greeting their friends. What better way could be found for reminding acquaintances of the sender’s continued regard for them? Moreover, the Club-of-Ten plan offers an easy, pleasant way for the earning of extra dollars whiclv are so useful at the holiday season. Become a club or­ ganizer. Sample copies and other supplies will be mailed upon request. But you need not delay. Use this magazine as a sample and send in a club of ten or more TODAY. ADDRESS CIRCULATION MANAGER THE K IN G ' S B U S IN E S S S58 SOUTH HOPE STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA

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