King's Business - 1936-12


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1936

burden. But there is a “ fellowship of his [Christ’s] sufferings” (Phil. 3:10) that will be experienced by “ all that will live godly in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim . 3:12).« The third and last condition of disciple- ship is “ follow me.” It is only after you have denied yourself and taken up your cross that you are able to follow Him. From our Scripture text in Romans 15 we learn Paul’s interpretation of following Jesus. He says that in bearing the infirmities of the weak we are “not to please ourselves,” but that we should please our “ neighbor for his good to edification.” Unselfishness finds its supreme exemplification in Jesus Christ who “ pleased not himself,” but offered Himself as the Sacrifice for our sin on the cross. T o follow Christ means to please our heavenly Father, for Jesus said: “ I do always those things that please him.” Helps for the Leader 1. P ermanent P leasure Whoever makes this present existence— its ease and pleasure—his supreme object, shall lose the higher, the only enduring life; but whoever is determined, for Christ’s dear sake, to ignore the lower life, will find the higher life—which includes all of the lower worth having, and infinitely more. — A mos R. W ells . II. M irroring C hrist 1. W e must not only give up sin; we must give up self.—M ac L aren . 2 . Let us put ourselves to school with Christ, as those first disciples did, and suffer Him to make His own impression upon us. — G eorge J ackson . III. C hrist or S ilver ? Has the Christian business man to risk anything? Indeed he has. He must risk the truth. A lie might appear to offer him a bargain, but he must risk the truth . . . Let him venture the truth, even though great and staggering loss seems to be drawn to his door. A man has again and again to make his choice between Christ and thirty pieces of silver. Let him make the venture, let the silver go; risk the loss! If it means putting up the shutters, he will go out with Christ! “ He that loseth his life for my sake shall find it” (Matt. 10:39).— Doran’s Minister’s Manual. JANUARY 24, 1937 HOW MAY WE WORK FOR A FAIRER DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH? P roverbs 4:1-7; 1 T imothy 6:17-19 Meditation on the Lesson The contrast drawn in the two passages of our text is consistently noted all through the sacred Word. In the Old Testament the “ wise man” exhorts us: “Wisdom is the principal thing: therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” The motto of the average man is “ Get Rich.” Paul, in writing to Timothy, warns against the folly of trusting in riches. W is­ dom, God’s gift, is what He longs to be­ stow, and frail mortal man for the most

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ANNUITY DEPARTMENT KB-12 153 Institute Place, Chicago, Illinois Please tell me how I can invest $100 or any multiple in the work of Moody Bible Institute, and still have an income dur­ ing my lifetime.

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