King's Business - 1936-12


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1936

Unto Thee in Thy rejection, Unto Thee from all below.

SCOFIELD REFERENCE BIBLE With Helps on the Pages Where Needed A YEAR'S BIBLE COURSE [5 2 LESSONS WITH 745 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS] H ere is ample material for a whole year’s Both enjoyable and profitable study of the Bible. for By using your spare rime you can obtain a ^ p / \ good working knowledge of the world’s M Best Book. ' The Bible Course is arranged to suit the needs of busy people. The Scofield Reference Bible has helps to the hard places on the pages where they occur. START N O W to know the Bible better WITH A LARGE TYPE BIBLE, THE COMBINATION IS $ 4.00 At all booksellers or from the publishers OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 114 F ifth A venue N ew Y ork

— S elected .

JANUARY 6 God’s Remedy for Worry

“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication viith thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God’’ (Phil. 4:6). Prayer is an acknowledgment of faith: worry, is a denial of faith. Prayer is put­ ting my hand in God’s, trusting in His lov­ ing guidance; worry is withdrawing my hand, and denying His power to lead me. Prayer leads through the door of faith into the presence of G o d ; worry leads through the door of anxiety into the darkness of loneliness and discouragement. If prayer rules the life, victory results. — The Christian Witness. Worry comes through human interfer­ ence with the divine plan.—E.H.D. JANUARY 7 Blessed Union “ Ye are complete in him” (Col. 2:10). May God Himself work in us the long­ ing desire for a personal knowledge of His presence in our life, a conscious knowledge of our union with Him. Before you go further, will you not bow and tell Him that you are now willing to be separated from those binding, hindering things, and let Him work in you the consciousness of the reality of this union with Christ Jesus? . . . Thank Him that His word is true; that at this moment you are complete in Him, that you now lack nothing because you are in union with the Lord. God did this. It was not your work or your plan; it is not a man-made union but the perfect work of God. Thank Him for it.—L. L . L egters . The most mysterious joy one ever experi­ ences arises from a sense of God. Known in His covenant relation as reconciled in Christ Jesus, and full of infinite love, the soul perceives Jehovah’s all-pervading pres­ ence by an unutterable sense of over­ shadowing which brings with it a delight such as nothing can rival, as much above all joys of mere nature as the heaven is above the earth. The will of God is then the soul’s highest w ill; His glory, its all in all. More bliss it could not conceive; yet it is not bliss that it thinks of, but the Lord Himself .— C h a rle s H addon S pu r c e o n . “ Thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto sal­ vation" (2 Tim . 3:1). Here may I learn how Christ has died T o save my soul from hell; Not all the books on earth beside, These heavenly wonders tell. — S elected . It was in the power of these truths that the martyrs lived and died. . . . With hearts awed by the fear of God, garrisoned by the peace of God, and exulting in the love JANUARY 8 True Joy “ Thou wilt show me the path of life; in Thy presence is fulness of joy” (Psa. 16: 11 ). JANUARY 9 God’s Word a Dynamo

XMAS GIFTS for CHILDREN INDIVIDUAL NAME PENCILS Name stamped in gold on. .highest grade 5c pencile. Packed in boxes of holly design, assorted colors in each box. One, name to a box. Box o f 3, 25c— 10 boxes or more, 18c each ( c , ) Box of 6, 35c— 10 boxes or more, 30c each J oaies l ax f Box o f 12, 55c— 10 boxes or more, 45c each ) i \ Enclose Check, Money Order, or Currency v Unto Unly ) OHIO PENCIL CORP., Dept. G-12, COLUMBUS, O.

Song Book o f the Nation. 352 Num­ bers, 27 pp. Spirit­ ual Readings, etc. Price only 350 per 100, not prepaid.

i/ m u

S P IR IT U A L — M AT ER IA L A l great revival is com ing! Nothing can stop it. Hasten the day with zealous singing. Q “ Tabernacle Hymns Number Three” is a source o f spiritual powe- able to transform your church. Com bines the best qualities o f the stand ard hymnal and Gospel song book Contains hymqs o f Atonement, Invi tation, Second Coming, Consecra t io n , C h ild r e n ’s S o n g s , Choi: Numbers and Solos. G[ Mail coupoi today for returnable sample o f thi and other hymnals which meet ever; need o f church and school. TABERNACLE V*' P ublishing C ompany 360-T No. Waller Ave. Chicago

TABERNACLE PUBLISHING COM PANY 360-T N. Waller Av., Chicago G entlem en: Please send re­

turnable sam ple o f “ T a b e rn a cle Hym ns N um ber Three” and other books that m eet the needs o f: □ Morning Worship □ Sun. School ' □ Choir □ Evening and Week-Day □ Evangelistic Services Official N a m e .................................T itle_________ Address__________ . . . . . . .

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