King's Business - 1936-12


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1936

» I D YOU KNOW That in 1890 Dr. C. I. SCOFIELD

I might see H im ! A kiss from Him through His mask is half an heaven. O Day, dawn! 0 Time, run fast! O Bride­ groom, post fast, that we may meet! O Heaven, cleave in two, that that bright face and head may set itself through the clouds! — S am u el R utherford . "That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death” (Phil. 3:10). •. When we say, “Lord, bring us near to Thyself,’* we pray for many things, which, W'hen they come, will be bitter to our taste. At such times it is well to remember our Forerunner. He asked to be glorified ; but before heaven was opened to Him and He was received therein, He had to pass through the Garden of Gethsemane, and to cry on the cross, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Ill— R obert C . C h a p m a n . By the grace of God, I never fret. I re­ pine at nothing. I am discontented with nothing. And to have persons at my ear fretting and murmuring at everything is like tearing the flesh off my bones. I see God sitting upon His throne and ruling all things well. Although, therefore, I can bear this also, to hear His government of the world continually found fault with (for in blaming the things which He. alone can alter we in effect blame H im ), yet it is such a burden to me as I cannot bear with­ out pain, and I bless God when it is re­ moved.— J ohn W esley . Let your backwardness to prayer and reading the Scripture be ever so great, you must strive against it. The backwardness and the doubts you speak of are partly from your own evil heart, but perhaps chiefly temptations of Satan. He knows that if he can keep you from drawing wa­ ter out of the wells of salvation, he will have much advantage. I pray that Christ will overrule all our trials to make us more humble and dependent, and to give us ten­ derness of spirit towards the distressed. The exercised and experienced Christian, by the knowledge he has gained of his own heart, and the many difficulties he has to struggle with, acquires a skill and compas­ sion in dealing with others. — J ohn N ew ton . JANUARY 30 Focusing Spiritual Binoculars “ Seeing him who is invisible” (Heb. 11: 27). W e must look unto Him, and not to what we do for Him. T oo much taken up with our work, we may forget our Master; it is JANUARY 28 Perpetual Praise "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thess. 5:18). JANUARY 29 Spiritual Fortifications "And 1 will delight myself in thy com­ mandments, which I have loved” (Psa. 119:47). JANUARY 27 Partakers o f Grief and Glory

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