King's Business - 1936-12


December, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Euodia Rally O N Sunday afternoon, November 1, a Euodia Rally in the main auditorium _ of the Church of the Open Door was attended by hundreds of Euodia girls and their friends. After the song service led by Herbert G. Tovey, Mrs. Lyman Stewart gave a brief history of the clubs, and Miss Elizabeth Merritt, Director of Euodia Clubs, described the present extent of these Bible study clubs among high school and junior high school girls. Former Euodia girls now in college, in Lyceum or Eteri clubs, in business, or on furlough from the mission field gave joyous testimonies as to the en­ during influence of blessings received in Euodia. The memory chapter, 1 John 3, was repeated by the winner of the annual spring memory contest, and the hymn, “ O Love That W ilt Not Let Me Go,” was given by the second prize winner. Roy L. Brown gave a challenging mes­ sage from the book of Esther, and the mes- An Unusual Neu> Book M Y B E L O V E D A R M E N I A By MARIE S. BANKER A thrilling testimony of her girlhood days in the caves of Armenia, hiding from the Turks, the suffering of her people in the deserts,^ her remarkable escapes from death, her perilous trip to Smyrna ar the time of the World Wa^, the loyalty of her parents to Christ, and the persecutions which the Armenians , endured, even unto death. Customs of the Turks de­ scribed and their hatred of Armenians re­ corded. Remarkable answers to prayer re­ corded. How God supplied her needs told. Intensely interesting and unusually inform­ ing. True to life, but reads like fiction. Stimulating to faith and Christian fortitude. Beautifully bound in blue cloth, gold lettering, tinted edges; attractive two-color jacket; illus­ trated; photo of author; 208 pages; $1.25. You W ill Appreciate This Outstanding Book! THE BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASS’N. 810 N. Wells St. Chicago, III.

The Bible Institute FAM ILY C IRCLE

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Rov L. Laurin

New Building fo r the San Gabriel Union Church

trolled by the Brethren denomination of which Dr. Monroe is a member. In addi­ tion to serving in the pastorate, Dr. Mon­ roe has spent some time in graduate study in the American School of Oriental Re­ search in Jerusalem and has traveled ex­ tensively in the United States and abroad. In the coming to Los Angeles of Dr. Monroe with Mrs. Monroe (Hildred W il­ liams, ’23) and their family, the way has been opened for the lightening of the bur­ dens so long and faithfully carried by Alan S. Pearce ( ’19), assistant pastor of the First Brethren Church of Long Beach, Calif., who has served the Institute in an executive capacity through its Correspond­ ence School as a labor of love to the Lord. As Dr. Monroe assumes the duties con­ nected with the secretaryship of the Corre­ spondence School, he will have the coopera­ tion, counsel, and brotherly interest of Mr. Pearce, to whom the Institute must always be grateful. Dr. Monroe will not only di­ rect the work of the Correspondence School! but will also teach in the Institute; at the present time he is conducting classes in Doctrine in the Evening School.

Marked by impressive inauguration serv­ ices, October 4 to 11, the new edifice of the San Gabriel Union Church, of which Roy L. Laurin, a faculty member of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, is pastor, was epoch-making. Paul W . Rood, Presi­ dent of the Institute, spoke at the inaugu­ ration ceremonies. Louis S. Bauman, W . E. Edmonds, W . W . Catherwood, and other outstanding ministers assisted during a week of special meetings. Mr. Laurin has been the successful pastor of the San Ga­ briel church since 1930, and has become one of the most popular speakers in evangelical circles in Southern California. The new church at S?"' Gabriel has been erected at a cost of $3i,ut)0. It seats approximately one thousand people. Styled in modern ec­ clesiastical architecture, it will facilitate the activities of the church, which is presenting a positive, life-giving witness for the Lord Jesus Christ in the San Gabriel Valley. Correspondence School Strength! ened and Enlarged A LTHOUGH only a few weeks have passed since Kenneth M . Monroe was welcomed to Biola in September as

B IO LA , H AND PA INTED , FO R C H R I S T M A S A new and appealing artistic remembrance of Biola, sketched and finished in two diffèrent compositions: (1 ) Hand Painted , (2 ) Embossed Etching . BOTH FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! A splendid wall decoration or desk piece. The size is standard, 8* xTO* so that framing is very inexpens­ ive. It will make a very thoughtful Christmas present. Keep one, send one. A beautiful gift card (for you to sign) is sent with each picture. The mailing container can be used for remailing. Be sure to send $1.00 or money order early, as detailed hand work is required on each copy. Mail this Coupon Today, It. F. Moore, Box 1162, Los Angeles, Calif. Please send me your Biola pictures as described in your adver­ tisement. 1 am enclosing $_______!___ Name ___________ _______ _______ _____________ __ .__________ Street -------------------- - — ------------- —-— -,----------- . City_____________________ «___________ State________ ___ .______ Note: Bach order of 2 pictures costs $1.66. Additional numbers at tiie same price.

Secretary of the Cor­ respondence S ch o o l of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, prog­ ress has been evi­ denced in this de­ p a rtm en t w h i c h reaches hundreds of distant students. For the development of Bible co u rs e s suit­ able for study by cor­ respondence, and for the s tim u la tio n of students in the study of the Word, Dr.

Dr. Monroe

Monroe is exceptionally capable. He is a graduate of the University of Southern California and of the Xenia Theological Seminary, having received the degree of Doctor of Theology from the last-named institution. For three years he taught at Ashland College, Ashland, Ohio, and for five years was a professor in the graduate Theological Seminary of Ashland — institutions con-

The Bible Institute Block, Com­ prising Church of the Open Door, Bible Institute, a n d Hotel Willard.

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