King's Business - 1936-12


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1936

Around the


n . mr H is Name Shall Be Called 01 „ For unto us a child is born, unto us a SOn 1S ^iven: an“ t'le government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isa. 9 :6 ). Christ was wonderful in His preexistence. T o the un­ believing Jews, Christ declared His preexistence when He said: “ Before Abraham was, I am” (John 8 :5 8 ). Christ was the active agent of the Godhead in the creation of the world. “ A ll things were made by h im ; and without him was not any thing made that was made” (John 1 :3 ). Christ is self-existent, without beginning and without end. “ In the beginning was the W ord , and the W ord was with God, and the W o rd was G od ” (John 1 :1 ). Christ ap­ peared to Abraham and had fellowship with him. Christ as “ the angel of the Lord” spoke to Joshua. The Jehovah of the O ld Testament is the Jesus of the New Testament. Christ was wonderful in His birth. He was born as no other person has been born. His birth was supernatural. He had a human mother but no human father. Gabriel explained to Mary the virgin birth of Christ in these words: “ Th e Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of G od ” (Lk. 1 :35 ). It is indeed wonderful that “ God was in Christ,” and that “ the W ord was made flesh” and our Lord “ took upon him the form of a servant.” “ For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich” (2 Cor. 8 :9 ). Christ was wonderful in His life. He never had a sin­ ful thought or spoke a sinful word or committed a sinful act. “ I find in him no fault at all,” said Pilate. Jesus could challenge His enemies with the words: “ Which of you convinceth me of sin ?” There may be spots on the sun that lights our earth, but there are no spots on the Sun of righteousness. Christ is the only sinless being o f flesh and bones that ever appeared on this planet. He was pure, righteous, and unselfish in a world of impurity, unrighteous­ ness, and selfishness. Christ was wonderful in His deeds. He unstopped the ears o f the deaf, opened the eyes of the blind, and caused the dumb to speak. He healed the sick, stilled the storm, fed the multitudes, and raised the dead. He was the great­ est miracle worker of all the ages. Christ was wonderful in His death. He is the only one who ever was born in order to die. Christ alone, who was both Son of God and Son of Man, could make atonement for the sins of man, and He could do it only through His sacrificial death upon the cross. “ But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom . 5 :8 ). Christ’s death was won­ derful because He took our place and “ bare our sins in his own body on the tree” and “ suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God.” Christ was wonderful in His resurrection. “ He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures” (1 Cor. 15 :4 ). “ But now is Christ risen from the dead, and be- , . h HH n r i f I

Pictured above is a group of ministers and leaders who cooperated with Dr. Rood in evangelistic meetings in Superior, Wis. First row, left to right: William F. Rawlins, Mrs. Rawlins, Paul W. Rood, O. Hofstad, and Alvin O. Carlson. Second row, left to right: Ray­ burn Dunbar, F. C. Hamlin, Fred Nelson, R. C. Hvass, Otto Simon, James Austin, and Charles C. Gould. Biola's President Visits M id d le W e s t S IN CE leaving Los Angeles early in October to accept invitations for evangelistic work in the Middle West, the President of the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, Paul W . Rood, has held meetings in four cities— Omaha, Nebr., Superior, W is., Duluth, Minn., and Chicago, 111.— besides numerous services conducted in smaller places. His return to Los Angeles has been planned for December first. A t Superior, Dr. Rood gave four weeks to a union cam­ paign, speaking daily to large audiences. Many souls were stirred through the evangelistic appeal and were led to accept Christ. One reason for the success of the meetings was found in the untiring support given by a large group o f the ministers of Superior. Moreover, the newspapers cooperated readily, giving generous space on many occasions to Dr. Rood’s sermons and to reports of the meetings. In preparation for the campaign and during the meetings, M r. and Mrs. W illiam F. Rawlins, who are well known to Institute friends, gave valuable assistance, especially in connection with children’s meetings. The Superior Evening Telegram published a five-column group picture of the children present at one meeting, printing in this connection the names of over one hundred boys and girls. The Rawlins’ “ gospel bus,” which is equipped with a loud speaker, was used in making the meetings known through­ out the city. Representing the ministers o f Superior who cooperated in the evangelistic effort under D r. Rood’s leadership, Alvin O . Carlson wrote to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles as follows: “ D r. Paul W . Rood, your President, closed a very suc­ cessful Union Evangelistic Campaign in Superior on Sun­ day night, November 8 . . . I have been asked to express our deep appreciation for Brother Rood’s gracious ministry in our m idst. . . God used our dear brother to the salvation o f many souls and the upbuilding o f the Christians in this city . . . Kindly express our gratitude to the Board and officers of Biola.” In Omaha, Superior, and Chicago, D r. Rood had the opportunity of speaking several times over the radio. It was also his privilege to return to a community in M in- [Continued on page 501]

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