Equilibrium_Relief for Your Shoulder, Elbow, & Wrist


• Manual Therapy • Myofasical Release • Therapeutic Exercise • Ultrasound

• Vestibular Therapy • Electrical

• Physiotherapy • Chiropractic • Massage Therapy • Acupuncture • Concussion Therapy

Stimulation • Ergonomic Training • IASTM • Kinesio Taping

We’re here to help you on your journey to overall health and wellness.


If you’ve got back pain fromsitting all day at work, neck pain from sleeping the wrong way, chronic pain that never seems to go away, or you’ve been injured in a car accident or have suffered a sports-related or work injury, a chiropractor can be a good first step in relieving your pain and discomfort. Inadditiontothese,thereareplentyofotherreasons to see a chiropractor. Below is an overview of chiropractic health care and the things you should know before booking your first appointment. What isaChiropractor&WhatDoTheyDo? A chiropractor is a registered health care professional specializing in relieving back, neck, and soft tissue pain primarily through manual (hands-on) manipulation of the body’s musculoskeletal structure (spinal adjustments, in other words). Chiropractors combine spinal adjustment techniques with joint manipulation, soft tissue therapy, rehabilitation exercises, and more to provide pain relief, movement and optimal function for their patients. Essentially, chiropractors find the root cause of your pain by zeroing in on your joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones. Chiropractic procedures are typically intended to provide fast pain relief for muscles, joints, bones and connective tissues (cartilage, ligaments and tendons), for making sure that pain doesn’t return and optimizing function throughmovement. Many people view seeing a chiropractor as a welcome alternative to taking drugs or undergoing invasive surgeries.

training to enhance and expand their skills and/ or work closely with othermedical professionals to ensure their patients get the best treatment. Many chiropractic clinics, like us here at Equilibrium Therapeutics, offer many types of health and wellness services under one roof. “Chiropractic is not safe.” Chiropractic is just as safe as going to your family doctor. With 8 years of training under their belt, you can rest assured that your chiropractor knows what they’re doing. Not only is chiropractic safe but it can also bemore affordable than going the route of surgery or prescription drugs as ongoing care can prevent more expensive problems down the road. Also, most extended medical plans cover chiropractic appointments. “Spinal adjustments are going to hurt toomuch.” Spinal adjustments are almost always pain- free. In fact, they often bring immediate pain relief. This myth that treatments are painful likely comes from concerns over the popping sounds that often occur during adjustments, which are normal. Sometimes, however, before an injury gets better, a patient might feel it getting worse as your body is adjusting to the chiropractic changes. Seeing a chiropractor is often recommended as the first step in a longer healing process and is often combined with physiotherapy and/or massage therapy. Call today to schedule your appointment or by visiting our booking calendar at equilibriummassagetherapy.jane app.com.

History of the Chiropractic Profession While there is evidence to suggest that some chiropracticmaneuvers have been around since the time of the ancient Greeks, chiropractic care as it is practiced today was founded in 1895 by D.D. Palmer, said to be the discoverer of chiropractic methods and the founder of the chiropractic profession. Like most medical professions, the chiropractic profession has grown from its initial roots to provide scientific, evidence-based care to patients. In North America, chiropractors have become the third largest group of health care professionals (after physicians and dentists) who have primary contact with patients. Debunking Top Chiropractic Myths “Chiropractors only treat back injuries.” Yes, chiropractors “got your back,” but they also treat all types of pain including neck, shoulder, hip and back pain as well as for things like headaches, TMJ, foot/knee problems, pinched nerves and for all-around healthy aging. “Chiropractors aren’t real doctors.” Chiropractic is a comprehensive doctoral degree. All chiropractors have a minimum of 3 years of graduate school, and 4 years of chiropractic school. Chiropractors are highly trained, licensed medical professionals. To become a registered chiropractor in Canada, an individual must complete theDoctor of Chiropractic degree program, which is a four-year graduate degree program that follows an undergraduate degree. A chiropractor’s education doesn’t stop there, however, as they continue to take additional

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