King's Business - 1951-04

ANCIENT WISDOM (Continued from Page 11)

division of matter. We might offer as the best description of an atom the statement that it is a skin-full of nothing, with satellites of nothing re­ volving around a nucleus — except that it has no skin! It has been stated that if all the space were squeezed out of the atoms of a two hundred pound man, enough solid material would be left to cover the head of an ordinary pin. Now it is found that even these tiny components of the atom, the proton, the neutron, the electron, and so forth, follow known mechanical laws and travel on prescribed orbits, exactly as do the satellites of a solar system. The infinite minuteness of the atom has been lost sight of in view of the comparatively enormous mass an atom is found to be, in com­ parison with its component parts. All this, of course, is kindergarten science, and well known to the aver­ age reader. We merely cite this to call attention to the fact that the atomic theory was apparently first discovered (Continued on Page 38) they apparently set forth the desire of the church for the average lay citizen to read his Bible. Yet, deep under this is the subtle dogma of the church that the Bible is not the book for the average Catholic to read, but rather one to be dispensed only at the discretion of the priest. It is well known that there is an over­ whelming ability to save through the Words of the Catholic Bible. As a matter of actual fact, there is very little difference between the Catholic Douay version and the Protestant King James version, and if Catholic people would read their Bibles prayer­ fully and carefully the net result would be an overwhelming number turning to Christ. To an earnest Cath­ olic inquirer, the successful Protes­ tant personal worker may safely recommend earnest perusal of his own Bible. There, in no uncertain terms the way of salvation is clearly and definitely outlined. In fact, the answer to the great problem of the conversion of Catholics seems to be a recommendation that they read, study, meditate on the words of their own Catholic Bible. A characteristic of the Word of God is living, power­ ful and sharper than any two-edged sword and this applies to the Catho­ lic Bible as well as the Protestant. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S EDITORIALLY SPEAKING (Continued from Page 5)

lack Wvrtzen . director of the Word o f Life Fellow­ ship and Television broadcast; and Gil Dodds. world-famed athlete now in the Christian ministry will take part in the intensive Evangelistic Crusade

which the Pocket Testament League has planned for April. PRAY — for God’s blessing on this Crusade. SHARE — that the preaching and distri­ bution of God’s Word may continue unabated. WRITE TOR FREE STORIES of the thrilling movement of the Holy Spirit in Japan. Gil Dodds


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appointed Executive Director of Christ’s Mission, Inc., and Editor of The Converted Catholic Magazine.

Acclaimed **one o f Bolivia9s most honored and valuable servants ,” Dr. Montano was offered the post of Secretary of State of Bolivia. He is a mighty soul winner with a special mission to Catholics—both priests and laity.

His life story will appear in the April Issue. Subscribe today to THE CONVERTED CATHOLIC MAGAZINE. Trial subscription 6 months for $1.00. FREE SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST. WRITE DEPT. K 160 Fifth Avenue CHRIST’S MISSION/ INC. New York 10, N. Y. -

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