King's Business - 1951-04

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between good and evil—between right and wrong. Many years ago, Daniel, a young man whose people had been carried captive to a strange land, had to make a very difficult choice. He with other young men was chosen to be in the king’s palace and become one of the great men in the new land. The king told his servant that for three years these men were to eat the rich food of the palace and to drink the king’s wine. Daniel and three of his friends promised themselves that they would not defile their bodies with the king’s food and wine. The servant to whom Daniel made the request that they be excused from eating the king’s food feared that they would become ill and would cause the king to become angry with him. Daniel asked that for ten days he and his friends be given simple food. At the end of that time the servant was to compare their appearance with that of the men who ate the king’s food. After the ten days, the four men were fatter and more healthy in appearance than all of the others! From then on, the men who honored God with their bodies were allowed to eat and drink those things which they knew would honor Him. God gave to them great knowl­ edge and skill in all learning and wisdom. When the three years were ended and all of the men were brought in before the king, he found Daniel and his friends ten times better in wisdom and understanding than all of the men of his kingdom! Few young men would dare to ask that the command of a king be changed. They would feel that whatever a king commanded them must be done with­ out questioning. These men decided to honor their God no matter what any human being might command them to do. Because they honored God, He honored them by making them great in the sight o f a heathen king. God was pleased with their de­ cision to keep themselves strong and fit for His service. Only God could give them the courage to make these choices. Daniel did not think that his own bravery and courage gave him victory in time of temptation. He said, “ I thank thee, and praise thee, O thou God of my fathers, who hast given me wisdom and might.” Perhaps you are discouraged be­ cause you have yielded to the tempta­ tion to do wrong and have made a choice that has pleased Satan rather than pleasing God. As long as you try to overcome sin in your own strength, you will always fail. When you bring your weakness to God and ask Him to give you the victory, you will find that He will never fail. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

and Special Days. Children proudly wear them. They arouse interest and give a clear testimony. Welcome Button. For greeting new Birthday Bangle N o. 5. Butterfly in members, contests, etc. color, die-cut with pin.

Vacation School Button. Colorful, pictures chil- dren on way to school. Rally Day Button. Attractive 3-color button. Question Mark Button. Blue and red — used in contests and Evangelistic Campaigns. Birthday Buttons. Two designs, bird or cake. All above buttons, A doz . 25c; a 100 , $2.00. BIBLE TBACTS for Sinners and Saints Special Salvation Assortments Samples upon request GALILEE TRACT SOCIETY, Dept. KB 2954 N. Damen Ave. Chicago 18, 111. WM . H. DIETZ, INC. 300 for $1.00 1000 for $3.00 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL! : ' Reaching YOUTH for Christ with .. UNIFIED GRADED BIBLE COURSES! 1. The Beginning of All Things Somple Kit of 8 monuols for $2.50 . | 2. Stories with Heavenly Meanings Sample Kit of 8 manual* for $2,50 | 3. Living and Working for Jesus m \ Sample Kit of 7 manual* for $2.00 iiSi- £:£:j • Adaptable to all-size churches a Same Scripture text used for whole school -a Departmental!/ Graded Pupils Manuals • Plan of Salvation clearly presented SSji Bach course has: 2 teachers manuals, DVBS $•§ guide material, 3 pupils manuals, 2 sets of •:§ handwork projects. Order sample kit from >5 this ad, at Special Rate above, and save 33 $ cents. Send money with order, no COD's % please. Catalog-sample lessons FREE. 20% discount to missionaries and Missions on .i:i regular orders. Write Dept. 12 ;?&: AMBASSADORPRESS 2620 N. HALSTED STREET CHICAGO 14, ILLINOIS An American Ponel %:?• :•:< :? Rev. Joseph Zacchello "Whatever might happen to a pontif at the hands of Communists would sadden yet fail to impel Americans to go to his aid. BUT if an American were in peril of that holy office or his life, it would arouse his countrymen regardless of their own religious beliefs; and an aroused United States in the circum­ stances would mean an embattled Christianity everywhere. That would add up to a holy war." To bring on a holy war, the Roman Church may elect an American pope. Light on strange Catholic teachings and political aims by the author of "Ins and Outs of Rpmanism"—$2.00; and "Secrets of Romanism"—$2.00. Read— jfrjSL $1.00 per year. Write Dept. K THE CONVERT General P.O. Box 333 - Brooklyn, N. X* A. R. Pinci, noted Catholic journalist, Wrote in the CATHO LIC WORLD, New York:

Suffer the Little Children Bangle No. 8 . Welcome and Good Shep- 1

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10 South Wabash Avenue

Dept. 1 03

Chicago 3, Illinois

The Content o f the Letter vv. 5-14

There is, first, a rectification of false teaching received from certain false prophets (w . 5-9). These false prophets had raised baseless hopes in the hearts of the captives to the effect that the captivity would soon he over, that there was no use planning to stay in Babylon for an extended time. On the contrary, Jeremiah writes them the truth of God in the matter, name­ ly, that their captivity would last for seventy years. Therefore, they should settle down to a normal life in Baby­ lon (5, 6), they should seek the wel­ fare of the city where they dwelt (7), and they should pay no attention to any prophet who would speak any word or give forth any hope contrary to the Word of God (8, 9). The practical import for God’s peo­ ple today is clear. It is true they are but pilgrims in this world waiting for their deliverance to Heaven, yet while they are here God expects them to dwell among men in a normal njanner bearing a faithful testimony and being in subjection to the powers of government (Rom. 13:1). They must not evade their responsibility in this regard. There is, in the second place, a declaration of God’s future plans con­ cerning His people. He will keep them in captivity for seventy years after which He will restore them to the land of Israel (10). God alone is able to bring about the condition to which His people so fervently aspire and He will bring it about without fait (11). When God’s people live in har­ mony with His Word, then they can call upon Him with assurance of answer (12-14). It is only as God’s people in any age live in accordance with God’s plan and His written Word that they can expect answers to prayer and blessing in daily living. Helps for the Children Daniel’s Choice Dan. 1:8-17 Memory Verse: “ I thank thee, and praise thee, O thou God of my fathers, who hast given me wisdom and might” (Dan. 2:23). Each day there are many choices that each of us must make—choices

Pago Thirty-four

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