King's Business - 1951-04

to photograph in order that young people in the Bible Institute and other Bible schools and colleges of our land may lift up their eyes upon the greatest harvest and do some­ thing about it. The one thing Jesus left for us to do is to make Him known. While there is one person left in the world who has not heard of Him, the work is not finished. The Lord made it plain in the great commission: “ To every creature” ; not one is to be omitted. Jesus goes on to say, “ He that reapeth receiveth wages and gather- eth fruit unto life eternal that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.” Now that verse refers to the return of the Lord and the judgment seat of Christ where the rewards and crowns will be given out. Oh, what a time of rejoicing that will be! Then the sowing and the reaping will be over and we will be with the Lord forever. We often sing, “ Bringing in the sheaves, we shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.” Most of us are sorry for a thousand things we have done since we have been saved. But we will never be sorry for any effort, we have ever put forth to make Christ known. In that day we will rejoice as we stand with the sowers and the reapers. The reapers will not have any' more joy than the sowers. Let me add this little word for the encouragement of some. Many may feel that they have not been able to do much for world evangelization and that at the judgment seat of Christ they will not have much part in the rejoicing. But they are mistaken. In that coming day they will be amazed to learn what the Lord has done with their prayers and gifts. He, said, “ Pray . . . the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth labourers into His harvest.” And in that day He will say, “ Look at these missionaries from Africa and India. They had the mis­ sion field laid upon their hearts as a result of your prayers.” Then, too, many grieve because they do not have much to give. In that day they will be thrilled to find out what the Lord did with the dollar that was given from time to time. Do you remember the little boy with the five loaves and two small fishes? That was his dinner and just enough for him, but look what the Lord did with it when it was placed in His hands! The Lord will accomplish wonders through every consecrated coin given in His name. I covet your prayers for us on this investigation of the fields. If you pray for us, we will rejoice together when the mission has been completed. God be with you all. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Recently I read in a missionary magazine that in India there are 670,- 000 villages and towns and in only 1,000 of these a missionary resides. This leaves over 669,000 towns and villages in India without a single mes­ senger of Christ! In 600,000 of these towns there is not one believer. Oh, the greatness of the harvest field! My friends, look at Asia, contain­ ing one billion people, one-half of the world’s population; of that thousand million, nearly 82 million are chil­ dren, who have no one to tell them of the Lord Jesus Christ. Some of those children are in touch with mission­ aries, let us say two million (that would be too many) are gathered in the mission schools—leaving 80 mil­ lion children in Asia with no one to tell them about the Lord Jesus. They live and die without Him. Then what shall we say of Africa, and South America? There are mil­ lions of Indians in Central and South America who have never heard the name of Christ. The Aztecs number­ ing one-half a million are our next- door neighbors in Mexico. Another great Indian civilization resides in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile and Ar­ gentine, one great tribe — numbering four million Indians; another 600,000. Then there is a great tribe of In­ dians in South America called the Caribs, for whom the Caribbean Sea was named. Many tribes in South America have never seen a white man. I received a very interesting letter a few days ago from Dr. Van V. Ed- dings, founder of the Orinoco River Mission, whose work is in Venezuela along the Orinoco River. Dr. V. Ed- dings is a graduate of the Bible In­ stitute and will spearhead our jour­ ney through that area. He is eagerly waiting for Mr. Davis and me to ar­ rive. He plans to show us a tribe of Indians who as yet have never seen a white man. Some of the things we will photograph there have never been seen by white people. It is the great need of the people that I want

Four Thousand Miles Up the Amazon (Continued from, Page 9)

But that is not the harvest the Lord meant. What harvest does He have in mind? He is referring to people —• men and women everywhere for whom He died, yet millions of them have never heard His name or His gospel. My friends, can we live and walk among men and not see the tremen­ dous need of reapers, yes, and sowers as well? What harvest is Christ talk­ ing about ? Each day thousands of lost souls are cut down by the great reaper. The Lord Jesus wants some­ body to go out and reap the great harvest fields of earth. My friends, isn’t it a sad spectacle that today, after nineteen hundred years of Christian testimony, there are more heathen than ever in the history of the world? Nearly 150 years ago, William Carey began to teach school. When he failed at that, he went to cobbling shoes. As he mended shoes, he had before him a great map of the world. Africa was black, Asia was black, most of Europe was black, and South America was black. He used to say to people coming into his shop, “ All that part of the map marked black is pagan. I must go and tell them about Christ.” But, beloved, listen! there are more heathen today than in the days of William Carey, for the hea­ then are multiplying faster than we can evangelize them. This is due to the insufficient number of reapers. The great harvest fields of the world are before us. Jesus wanted His disciples to see them and He wants us to see them. The greatest work that anyone can do in the world today is to go into the dark corners of the earth and there preach Christ. Be­ loved, we are never going to be able to tell God in the ages to come in Heaven that there was nothing for us to do.


The Board of Directors are men of God well known to Christians throughout the United States and Canada. Dr. Jacob Gartenhaus, founder and President of the International Board of Jewish Missions, has been an outstanding missionary to the Jews for 30 years, and is in close touch with Jewish conditions around the world. The task of relief and evangelization to which we are committed merits your prayers and active interest. $10.00 or $5.00 provides q CARE package. Send for full information afegut this practical ministry to needy Jews everywhere. I N T E R N A T I O N A L B O A R D P.O. Box 1256, Atlanta 1,. Georgia O F J E W I S H

M I S S I C Jacob Gartenhaus, D.D., Litt.D., President

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