RCN October 2019

Water Water Everywhere - But mainly on South Shore Road

An estimated 700,000 litres of water spewed onto the South Shore Road on September 10th, when a 3 metre length of old mains pipe burst sometime around 6 am. Residents were without water from 10am until after 6pm, as a team from Fingal County Council worked valiantly to repair the damage. The water lost during this time was about as much as five families of four would use in an entire year.

Up to 761,000,000 litres of water is lost through leaks every single DAY in Ireland, which is equivalent to over 300 Olympic swimming pools. Of course we all need to conserve water, but to put this in perspective, the amount of water lost to leaks in just one day would be more than what would be needed to wash every car in Ireland, using a garden hose, and then for everyone in Ireland to have a shower and no less than 1,000 cups of tea afterwards.

Wondering how we came up with some of the numbers in this report ? We promise we didn’t just make them up. Check out https://www.thejournal.ie/average-water-use-ireland-facts-3339951-May2017/

Around Rush - Valerie Malone

S ECONDARY SCHOOL ENROLMENT St. Joseph’s Secondary School, Rush, shows an intake of 124 first year students for the school year. Unfortunately, due to lack of space a further 104 applicants had to go on a waiting list for entrance to the school. St. Joseph’s are liaising with the Department of Education and Skills and subject to funding, hope to install temporary accommodation for the overspill. GLEE CLUB Former Junior Beo Show winner Lisa Fox who among other thing salso starred in Tony Award Winning show Once is now teaching right

3.30-5pm each Wednesday afternoon.

Safe Hands staged to delight and entertain. November 12th promises Papi Chulo while Baloon will be staged on November twenty sixth. December sixth is coming near Christmas when Cold Sweat a.k.a. Permission will grace the stage of our own wonderful theatre. Such fine theatre will surely make cold nights more enjoyable. Editor says: Thanks for these updates Valerie. Any club, organization, association, or group is welcome to submit news items for inclusion. Notices of forthcoming events are FREE to all local groups. Rush Community News reaches around 500 readers online in Ireland and many more overseas every month, as well as all the copies sold in the Community Centre and Tesco by our marketing team. Why not use it to spread your message ? Call into the Community

RUSH COMM. COUNCIL CLASSES Classes/groups in Ballet, Bridge, Counselling, I.C.A., Jo Jingles, 10 Art Ideas, Tai Chi, Parent and Toddlers, Rush Ladies Club, Scoil Rince, Irish Dancing, Senior Citizens all take place in Rush Community Centre each week. RUSH LIBRARY Rush Quilting Club meet on Tuesday mornings from 10.30-00 to enjoy the art of quilt making together. A similar group whose shared interest

is a good Scrabble meet each Tuesday evening at 6.30 p.m.

here in Rush. Lisa with over fourteen years- experience is running a Glee Club, whose

MILLBANK THEATRE The coming season looks very promising to those interested in theatre. On 15th October a play called Woman at War billed as ‘funny and warm’ will be staged. October twenty ninth will see In

members will perform The Wizard of Oz at the end of the year. Anyone interested is urged to contact Lisa on 087 7619605 or email info@lisafox.ie Rehearsals take place in Rush Community Centre

Centre or email me at editor@rushcoco.ie


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