VCSST_Do you have TMJ pain?

Get relief for jaw, face and ear pain.

The goal is to make you better as quickly as possible. Our physical therapists will create a specific plan tailored to your particular case and timeline. Your participation is necessary for a good outcome. Clinical research shows that by following your specific treatment plan, you will get better faster, which translates to fewer visits, less costs and more time to do what you love. At Virginia Center for Spine & Sports Therapy, we help you reach your goal.  SYMPTOMS OF TMJ • Pain or soreness in face, jaw, neck or around the ear • Clicking or popping of jaw when moving mouth • Locking of jaw • Pain with chewing food, talking, or general movement • Abnormal sensations and numbness of the jaw • Headaches • Limited jaw motion • Uncomfortable “off” bite • Deviation of jaw to one side

HELP FOR TMJ PAIN Your physical therapist will address the root cause of your pain such as poor jaw mobility, posture, weakness and decreased neck mobility. At Virginia Center for Spine & Sports Therapy, we will teach you one major exercise that will immediately unload the pressure from your TMJ which will lead to pain relief. Clinical research shows that by following your specific treatment plan, you will get better faster. This translates to fewer visits, less costs, and more time to do what you love!

When April flowers bring…aches and pains Formany, trimmingupbushes,plantingbulbsor seeds and weeding in the garden is therapeutic for the mind and soul. But extended sitting or repeated bending at the waist can cause stresses and strains on muscles and joints leaving a gardener quite sore the following day. This isparticularlytrueforanyonewhomayhave spent the winter a bit more sedentary. Tips to avoid gardening aches and pains injury when you are bending at the waist and reaching. • Always use cushioned kneeling pads and alternate being on both knees with one knee up. • Make use of a garden cart or wheelbarrow to move heavy planting materials or tools. Get help to move heavy bags.

• Pace yourself and don’t try to do everything in one day. Remember to enjoy the creative process. Gardening is supposed to be fun! When you have tried to do all of the above but find yourself with residual aches or pains that do not resolve within a few days, perhaps you have injuredyourself. Youcancallusandspeak to a therapist who can advise you.

• Warm up before you garden. A few brief stretchesorabriefwalkaregreatwarm-ups. • Change positions frequently to avoid stiffness or cramping. Periodically stand up straight and stretch. • Use long handled tools when possible to avoid being in a flexed position for long periods. The spine is most vulnerable to

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