... continued from Cover
something? ( Pro Tip : Use the third and final action on this list to discover which systems are no longer serving your business.)
It’s difficult to climb out of a rut, but you won’t be sustainable if you are having to process orders, solve client issues, or make service calls on a regular basis. You have to trust your employees to stabilize the foundation of your business so you can work on progressively elevating it. I recently read an article by Dennis Hammer, who highlighted this idea in three easily digestible steps for Medium in his article “Work On Your Business, Not In It.” As Hammer explains, you have to figure out how to eliminate, automate, and delegate so your focus is on your business growth, not the monotony of tasks you have hired your employees to do. Eliminate: Be honest with yourself. Ideas, systems, processes, and other components of your company that no longer suit its growth need to be cut out. Remove these immediately and focus on the next two actions for the pieces you don’t eliminate. Automate: There are software programs that can do a lot of work for you, but you may not be using these programs as effectively as you could be. In what ways could you improve your use of your CRM or marketing management tool? Furthermore, look at your systems as a whole. What steps in the process could be condensed or eliminated? Is there an easier way to do
Delegate: Stop doing it all. Find employees who can manage some of the many, many tasks on your list. For example, you don’t have to craft social media posts, blog posts, or other marketing campaigns. Instead, hire or recruit someone to manage that for you and utilize your skills somewhere else. Working ON your business is a powerful method that has created many successful entrepreneurs. Don’t forget this vital piece of advice as we transition into our post-pandemic world.
A Fresh Cup of … Water in the Morning?
enough water to begin with, odds are good that when you go to bed, you haven’t had your daily intake.
In general, you should be drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. Morning is the perfect time to start that process. One trick is to fill a water bottle each night (bonus points for ice!) and leave it by your bed. That way, when you wake up thirsty at night, you don’t have to go anywhere — and your first few glasses of the day are right there as well. You may be tempted to reach for other beverages throughout the day to keep hydration up. But the reality is that most of your water intake should just be water. If you really need some extra kick to stay hydrated, you can try club soda or sparkling water, which can be purchased cheaply at any grocery store. It’s also important to remember not all water is created equally. Packaged water is an option for people who don’t have access to good drinking water at home, as are in-fridge filters, on-sink filters, or jug filters. You want the water to taste as good as possible to increase your odds of drinking enough. So, what are you waiting for? Fill a glass today and change tomorrow for the better.
The human body needs water. We are , in fact, 60% water, so we require replenishment on a daily basis! And first thing in the morning, when you haven’t had any water for at least eight hours, it’s important to start rehydrating as effectively as possible. So, before you go for that cup of joe, go for a glass of water. You might even end up skipping the coffee. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, dehydration may be a part of why we feel groggy and disoriented in the morning in the first place. Mild dehydration has been linked to lower brain function in general, with a wide range of effects on our cognition and performance. Can all that really happen overnight? Yes and no. By itself, an eight-hour period isn’t usually enough to cause mild dehydration. But coupled with the fact that most Americans aren’t drinking
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