King's Business - 1962-05

Pom” houses faced the home the Lord had provided for him and his family. It grieved him sorely to see the feet of American sailors and soldiers making paths to these notorious places. Then a small church was erected next door to the missionary’s home. A cross on the top stretched its arms to the sky, proclaiming to all that Jesus had died for sinners. A sign, “ Sasebo Bible Church” clearly identified the structure. “ Surely the sight of the church building with its cross and the sign, will cause the American soldiers to think twice when they are tempted to frequent the houses around us,” thought the missionary. But he was wrong. Business at the “ Pom-Pom” hous­ es went on as usual. Deeply burdened for the souls of these servicemen, George Rolph tucked his Bible under his arm and went out to the men on the street, seeking to dissuade them from carrying out their sinful plans.

I n 1952 the once beautiful town of Sasebo on Kyushi Island in southern Japan, bombed and partially re­ built, swarmed with American servicemen. From the army base in Sasebo, it was but a seven-minute hop by jet to the Korean front. Here soldiers suffering from battle fatigue were given ten-day “ R and R” (rest and relaxation) leaves. As this was a natural harbor, U. S. Navy ships sailed in and out continuously and the gleaming white sides of a hospital ship reflected the sun as it rode at anchor in the bay. Leave for “ rest and relaxation” ? Business in the no­ torious “ Pom-Pom” houses flourished. Not confined to a single “ red-light” district, entire sections of the city which fanned out from the center, were engaged in their diabolical business. Missionary George Rolph found that three “ Pom-

Embarrased and ashamed, they eluded him, refusing to pause and listen to admonition. Heartsick, George Rolph pondered how he could keep the men from going to “ the strange woman, from the stranger which flattereth with her words.” Then he hit upon a plan. On a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood, he painted in bold black letters on a white background these words from Scripture: GOD IS NOT MOCKED . . . HER HOUSE IS THE WAY TO HELL (Proverbs 7:27). JESUS SAVES. He erected this sign where it was clearly visible to the occupants of the three houses of prostitution. In a short time, the operator of one of the houses came over to the missionary’s home. “My business is ruined,” she wailed. “ No men come to my house since sign put up there.” Her pleas to have the sign removed were in vain. God’s Word is said to be: “ quick and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword . . . a discemer of the thoughts and intents of the heart” •— and it is! Ask the operators of a certain three “ Pom-Pom” houses in Sasebo, Japan. One year after God’s Word was displayed where their customers could see it, they were out of business!

Missionary Rolph dealing with interested woman.

" Eves but they cannot see/' describes stone idols of Japan.



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