King's Business - 1962-05

The Sermons from Science structure at the Century til Fair covers more than 4,000 square feet and con­ tains a 350 seat auditorium. It is located right in the heart of the exposition.

Dr. George Speake, Moody Institute of Science, illustrates one portion of his demonstration which have captivated audiences around the world. The daily scientific lectures will continue in the Sermons from Science building through October 21, 1962.



The Century 21 Exposition Space needle rises above Lake Union amid the structures which have just I opened. In the foreground is the ten I million dollar six-building I United States Science Pavilion, Am ericas official federal participation in the historic event. The National Guard Arm ory is in the center of the picture uAth a 1200 seat outdoor stadium behind it.

T h o u s a n d s o f v is it o r s to the Seattle World’s Fair this summer will be brought face to face with the ris­ en, living Christ. Christians from all over the Pacific Northwest are digging deep into their resources to un­ derwrite a full 6-month presentation of the world-famous “ Sermons from Science” programs featuring Dr. George Speake. A special theater-type building is under con­ struction. Over $150,000 will be required to pay for this important Christian endeavor. “ Sermons from Science” has but one goal — to reach the hearts and minds of the unsaved with Christ’s message of salvation. “ Sermons from Science” expects to bring 500,000 people through the exhibit during the Fair. The “ Ser­ mons from Science” building will include, in addition to a 300-seat auditorium, private counseling rooms where trained workers will deal with souls on a individual MAY, 1962

basis. One thousand counselors under the direction of Campus Crusades will provide personal interviews and counseling to those who have made decisions. Ten millioii people will visit the Fair to see the greatest display of scientific and cultural exhibits the world has ever seen. “ Sermons from Science” will show these millions the relationship between man’s achievements and his God who makes all these things possible. Every Christian is welcomed to this outstanding ex­ hibit. Your prayers for its success are eagerly sought. All of us who are working day in and out to complete this great project feel the hand of God upon our shoulder — encouraging us — driving us onward, to help Him bring home the sheep who have strayed and lost their way. Testify for Christ with us at the Seattle World’s Fair, April 21 through October 21, 1962. 17

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