King's Business - 1962-05


homiletical helps


emphasizing full Christian living

The Editors of The King’s Business invite readers to contribute outlines for sermons for use in this column. THE COMPASSION OF CHRIST And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compas­ sion toward them, and he healed their sick (Matthew 14:14). 1. Christ knows the history of each one of us. 2. He is moved with compassion when we tell Him. 3. A sinner’s confession moves Christ with compassion. 4. Christ has compassion for all kinds of sinners. 5. He receives all who come to Him. 6. The sad stories of your life will move His heart with compassion. — D. L. Moody I. The Samaritan Sinner 1. It was not the custom for women to come to the well at noonday. They came early in the morning or in the evening. 2. She may have come looking for a man. a. Long ago she had sold her virtue as merchandise in the market place of lust. b. The worst sinners often long for a better life. 3. The worst sinners are sometimes easier to win to Christ than the self- righteous. II. The Seeking Saviour 1. Jesus always seeks for sinners. a. It was no accident that He came through Samaria. b. “ And he must needs go through Samaria” (John 4:4). 2. Jesus uses tact in dealing with sin­ ners. a. “ . . . Give me to drink” (John 4:7). This was a neighborly re­ quest. b. Jesus broke down the barrier be­ tween the Jews and Samaritans. With Him there is no east, west, north, or south; no Jews or Gen­ tiles, bond or free, rich or poor. He loves us all alike. c. Christ brought her face to face with her sins. “ . . . Go, call thy husband . . .” (John 4:16). III. The Revealing Redeemer 1. The woman expressed her longing to see the Messiah. 2. She went back to the city and gave her testimony. The people came out to the well and fell in love with Jesus. A REVIVAL AT JACOB'S WELL John 4:1-7

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Buy with confidence— Buy Broadman BROADMAN PRESS at your favorite Bookseller

—William (Danny) Colter

MAY, 1962


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