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O u r a t t e n t i o n has been called to an article in the January 28, 1962 New York Sunday News en titled, “ The Latter-Day Saints Come Marching In,” by Tom Allen, in which astonishing information of a resurgence of Mormonism in New York state is given. “ Some day soon . . . a bright-eyed, earnest young man may knock on your door and try to sell you some thing. The salesman is really a mis sionary, and what he’s selling is Mor monism. “ For the Saints, as they call them selves, are in our midst as never be fore. More than 200 missionaries are ringing doorbells, knocking on doors and trying -to bring back to New York the strange religion their forbears carried westward into exile more than a century ago. “ The Mormon Church was born in 1830 in Palmyra, N.Y. which prompt ly gave it to the world by kicking it —and its founder, Joseph Smith— out of town. Today, the Saints are back in Palmyra, and Joseph Smith is no longer a prophet without honor in his own land. “ Last week, after gathering some 2,000 members from the upstate area that includes Palmyra, the Mormons established a stake (roughly equiva lent to a diocese) there. It was the 346th stake of a church whose mem bership is nearing two million and which now stretches from Korea to W. 81st St. in Manhattan. “ The Saints have come a long way since the days of Joseph Smith, de scribed by one of his fellow-citizens as a ‘dull-eyed, flaxen-haired, prevaricat ing boy — noted only for his indolent and vagabondish character, and his habits of exaggeration and untruth fulness.’ “ To his disciples, Joseph Smith is ‘a seer, a translator, a prophet, an Apostle of Jesus Christ.’ ” After sketching briefly and vividly the further history of Smith with his “ golden plates” and Book of Mormon, and Brigham Young and the Mor mon trek westward, Mr. Allen con tinues: “ The church has just bought for $1,250,000 the land for a 30 or 40- story center opposite the Plaza on W. 58th St. [next to Central Park].”
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