King's Business - 1962-05


• Bible • M issions e Pastorology s Evangelism e G reek e Music e Christian Education

• Spa ciou s cam pus e Consecrated Faculty e S po rts e C h o ir e C lubs Write Dr. Monroe Parker, President for catalog PILLSBURY Conservative Baptist Bible COLLEGE Dept. KB Owatonna, Minnesota

O u r a t t e n t i o n has been called to an article in the January 28, 1962 New York Sunday News en­ titled, “ The Latter-Day Saints Come Marching In,” by Tom Allen, in which astonishing information of a resurgence of Mormonism in New York state is given. “ Some day soon . . . a bright-eyed, earnest young man may knock on your door and try to sell you some­ thing. The salesman is really a mis­ sionary, and what he’s selling is Mor­ monism. “ For the Saints, as they call them­ selves, are in our midst as never be­ fore. More than 200 missionaries are ringing doorbells, knocking on doors and trying -to bring back to New York the strange religion their forbears carried westward into exile more than a century ago. “ The Mormon Church was born in 1830 in Palmyra, N.Y. which prompt­ ly gave it to the world by kicking it —and its founder, Joseph Smith— out of town. Today, the Saints are back in Palmyra, and Joseph Smith is no longer a prophet without honor in his own land. “ Last week, after gathering some 2,000 members from the upstate area that includes Palmyra, the Mormons established a stake (roughly equiva­ lent to a diocese) there. It was the 346th stake of a church whose mem­ bership is nearing two million and which now stretches from Korea to W. 81st St. in Manhattan. “ The Saints have come a long way since the days of Joseph Smith, de­ scribed by one of his fellow-citizens as a ‘dull-eyed, flaxen-haired, prevaricat­ ing boy — noted only for his indolent and vagabondish character, and his habits of exaggeration and untruth­ fulness.’ “ To his disciples, Joseph Smith is ‘a seer, a translator, a prophet, an Apostle of Jesus Christ.’ ” After sketching briefly and vividly the further history of Smith with his “ golden plates” and Book of Mormon, and Brigham Young and the Mor­ mon trek westward, Mr. Allen con­ tinues: “ The church has just bought for $1,250,000 the land for a 30 or 40- story center opposite the Plaza on W. 58th St. [next to Central Park].”

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MAY, 1962


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