by Arnold D. Ehlert Librarian, Biola College
have a major contribution to this kind of literature. Dr. Olson has been Pres ident of the Evangelical Free Church of America since 1951, and here sets forth a survey of church creeds in general and then recounts the formu lation of the Free Church creed. Each point is then taken up and expounded in detail. There are twelve articles. Three cover the doctrine of the church and two eschatology. The Free Church is solidly aligned with the fundamentals of the faith. As re gards Baptism, it holds it to be an observance of the church along with the Lord’s Supper, but does not speci fy a mode. The Free Church is avowedly dispensational, holding to the premillennial imminent return of Christ, but does not spell out dis- pensationalism in further detail. The work is a masterful exposition. 371 pages; cloth; Free Church Publica tions, Minneapolis; $4.95. This book helps to fill the need for Christian literature on scientific mat ters. Among the subjects considered are health, conservation, automation, euthanasia, and evolution. Concerning current problems between science and Scripture, we believe the author cor rectly evaluates the situation when he says, '“ The Christian must be guided by the conviction that ulti mately research will confirm the scriptures. It has dorte that in the past and, while there are conflicts at present, the Christian must be con vinced that these will ultimately be resolved.” Undue emphasis seems to be given to extolling the honesty of scientists. It seems overly optimistic to say categorically, “ The scientist is not deliberately trying to undermine the faith of the young men and wom en to whom he explains his theories.” There are too many cases where theories have been presented as facts and where young men and women have been put under pressure to ac cept them as such and to give the ex pected answers in examinations or to suffer the consequences. The author is not an evolutionist and he defends the faith against the theory of evolu tion. He presents material on the subject which should be known by everyone, especially since there are many subtle attacks at the present time intended to make the idea of THE KING'S BUSINESS Modern Science and the Christian Life By John W. Klotz
The Ancient Library of Qumran By Frank Moore Cross, Jr. Every serious Christian should ac quaint himself with the documents discovered in the Qumran caves near the Dead Sea, and the major contribu tions of these manuscripts to Biblical studies. Final conclusions are admit ted on all hands to be sometime yet in the future, but significant trends are now observable, and have been for some time. There are two schools of thought on these scrolls, one contending that through them the basic uniqueness of Christianity will come into serious question, and the other insisting that nothing so far deciphered offers any real threat to Christian faith, but, in fact, strengthens it. Contributions to Old Testament studies have been in terestingly confirmative of the Old Testament text. Dr. Cross finds simi larities between the Qumran litera ture and the Gospel of John in such expressions as “ the light of life,” “ sons of light,” and “ life eternal.” There is a strong emphasis in both on unity (p. 208). This tends to discount the feeling some scholars have had that the Johannine writings are in fluenced more by Greek thought than by Palestinian. In their view of the future the Essenes or Qumran Com munity reveal some strong similarities to that of the early Christians. Hopes are held out that the Qumran studies will go far toward under standing and, in some cases, verifying the Old Testament text. Light has al ready been thrown on some difficult passages. The Scrolls “ rule out cate gorically speculation about extremely late additions to prophetic works” (p. 164). The Isaiah manuscript shows no break of any kind between the sections often referred to as “ First” and “ Second” Isaiah. Much additional labor will need to be done after the texts are all published, but this work lays out a good deal of what has taken place up to this time, xix, 260 pages; paper; Doubleday & Co., New York; $1.25.
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