evolution acceptable to the Christian ipublic. However, he seems overly tolerant in saying that “Many of the evolutionists have been honest and sincere; some of them have been Christians.” To criticize this statement involves the defining of both the terms “ evolution” and “ Christian” for which there is. not space here, but it seems an unnecessary concession to say that some of the evolutionists have been Christians. 191 pages; in dex; index of Scripture passages; paper; Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis; $1.75. —Reviewed by Bolton Davidheiser. Here we have an examination of the supernatural events in Scripture -—their scope and significance. The events are treated in their order of occurrence in the Scripture record. Dr. Lockyer defines a miracle as, “ some extraordinary work of deity transcending the ordinary powers of nature and wrought in connection with the ends of revelation” (p. 14). Miracles have a number of functions, such as proving divine revelation, au thenticating Christ’s deity, confirm ing the divine nature of Christianity, and symbolizing the spiritual bless ings God is able and willing to be stow upon us. Each event is described and expounded with homiletical in sight and outline. It is a very pro fitable volume for layman and min ister as well. — 480 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $5.95. How I Discovered the Secret of Success in the Bible By Clinton Davidson The originator of the term “ estate planning,” and a nationally known authority on insurance and invest ments, shares his secrets in this aston ishingly frank book. He started out on a level below the average in his profession and rose to the top, col lecting in one year over two and a half million dollars in premiums. The Apostle Paul furnished him with many of his secrets. These include understanding human nature, getting people to believe you, making things clear, overcoming obstacles, repeating the main point, making positive use of the negative, and being a one- eyed man. These will lead on to the top. Jesus’ advice in Mark 10:43-44 tells how to be the “ greatest in your field:” “He who would be greatest of all must be servant of all.” — 156 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N. J.; $2.95. A ll the Miracles of the Bible By Herbert Lockyer
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