King's Business - 1962-05

alumni nows : f »• i v . by Inez McGahey Adeline Gordon ’48, Taiwan, is living at the China Penial Student Center, where she has a splendid opportunity of reaching young women on the University campus and at the center. She is continuing lan­ guage study at home through a Christian teacher. Sylvia Arnold ’51, Arizona, has a Navajo Conservative Baptist Weekly Bible Class at the Government Boarding School in Tuba City. Harold ’53 and Ray (AA ) Tuggy, Vene­ zuela: “Harold is president of The Con­ vention of Evangelical Churches of Eastern Venezuela.” Raul ’51 and Nann (Rolph ’52) Tanner, Peru: “W e have converted the garage into a Sala for classes until we get a group together and can afford to rent a place. So far we have about 20 who have shown interest and have Bibles which they can read.” Olive ’51 and Caroline (Willman ’51) Siemens, Hawaii, are serving with Hono­ lulu Servicemen’s Center in Honolulu. Howard Smith ’61 is with the American Sunday School Union in Colorado. Since April of last year, he has preached 51 sermons, made 1,305 home visits, and trav­ elled 31,748 miles. There are 36 Sunday schools in progress, with an attendance of 1134. Leonie V. Soubirou ’28, Dean of Biola School of Missionary Medicine, and Zada E. Stevens ’42, went on a tour and a visit with missionaries from BIOLA in Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Hong Kong, Viet Nam, Thailand, Burma, India, Iran, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain, France, and Portugal. This trip for Miss Scruhirou was made possible by a gift. Violet Lopes ’47, ’60, Portugal, is work­ ing with the International Child Evange­ lism Fellowship. Richard ’32 -and Margaret (Humphrey ’32) Hillis, Los Angeles, are increasing their Gospel radio broadcasts in the Philip­ pines from 180 to 400 per month, begin­ ning missionary work in Brazil, planning 21 Christian workers’ conferences in a number of countries, and expecting sub­ scriptions to CRUSADER BIBLE STUDY magazine in the Philippines to increase from 5,000 to 10,000 and the circulation of their Gospel paper LA VOZ to be one million copies a month in 20 countries of South America. Eunice Peevey ’46, ’47, Arizona: The Lord has used her greatly doing deputa­ tion work for the people in Nigeria. Ethel Coy ’31, Chowchilla, California, is home on furlough from her work with New Tribes Mission, with which she has served 16 years. Mary Sargent ’49, (furlough), has been working in the office at Wycliffe head­ quarters in Santa Ana. She is looking for­ ward to returning to Quito, Ecuador.

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MAY, 1962

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