King's Business - 1962-05



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GUEST EDITORIAL Your guest editorial about UNESCO of the United Nations was so important I cut it out of my magazine and sent it to my Congressman, with a letter to him. I would like to use at least four more copies of this editorial in like manner. Henry T. Littlejohn, Rainer, Oregon ARTICLES APPRECIATED I wish to express my appreciation to you for your editorial on Bible Translations in KING’S BUSINESS for September 1961. For some time I have been meaning to write, but kept putting it off. I do feel you could have made stronger indictments of the New English and R.S.V. besides a “ tragic fact” of much being left to be de­ sired and “ something of a very serious nature” being lost so far as majesty of expression is concerned. I am praying for you that you do not succumb to any pressures. Leslie Adkins, Philippine Islands Thank you for the informative and time­ ly article entitled “ Russian Nationalism, Friend or Foe?” by Dr. Dick Hillis. This is an interesting aspect of Communist tactics. Many of our political leaders during our early history were ministers of the Gospel. Their education and their knowledge of righteousness were valuable to our country and resulted in the forming of the princi­ ples of individual freedom. I hope that “ new patriotism” in our country referred to by Dr. Hillis will include Bible-believ- ing Christians and Bible-preaching minis­ ters who will make a stand for truth in politics and who will enter politics. Donald Wehner, Scottsdale, Arizona I have just finished reading your article on Moral Re-Armament in the January issue and would like to commend you for ihe clear presentation given this subject. On a few other occasions I have read sev­ eral articles in your magazine which have impressed me; so much so, that I would like to subscribe to your magazine in order not to miss out on future interesting fea­ tures. Miss B. L. Sarenchuk, Toronto, Ontario, Canada KB IMPROVING I think THE KING’S BUSINESS has made some real improvement the last few years. I especially like the detachable Bible studies. May the Lord continue to bless and use this magazine to His glory. The American people do not know how for­ tunate they are to have so many such periodicals. We need something like THE KING’S BUSINESS in Spanish! Glenn Juett, Aurora, Nebraska Your magazine is getting better and better every month, and it is always a de­ light to pass mine on to other people. In fact, the March issue was so interesting that I would like to have two more copies of it. Mrs. Jo Kesler, Fort Worth, Texas

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