King's Business - 1962-05

This summer you ure Invited to stay at S E A T T L E P A C I F I C C O L L E G E while you at­ tend the . . . SEATTLE W OR LD ’S FA IR S EE America's first space-age world's fair . . the glorious Puget Sound country where is cool. . enjoy summer T H IS Christian college campus has accommodations for conferences, committes, youth groups, and in­ dividuals (minimum age 12 years). Ultra-modern dining hall. Facilities available June 15 to September 15 but some dates already filled. Advance reservations required, with $8.00 deposit. Rates $4.00 per person per night.

This new column of THE KING’S BUSINESS is devoted to opinions of readers on various subjects. Ideas ex­ pressed should not be construed as necessarily reflecting the opinions of THE KING’S BUSINESS or of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. PROBLEM WITH HUSBAND I greatly appreciate your new column, Vox Pop. While I do not agree with the various comments, they are interest­ ing. I am writing, however, with the thought that perhaps one of your readers would give me help on something I have been facing. My husband is a perfect gentleman, all smiles and sweetness, while we are around others, especially at church; but just wait until we are alone he is mean, ar­ rogant and refuses to give me money necessary for the run­ ning of our home. I do not be­ lieve. in divorce. We have talked about the situation and he still shows no im­ provement. His life is so filled with hypocrisy, I have not known which way to turn. I would like some practical suggestions. I know the Lord can work, and He has in my life. But beyond prayer, is there something which I cam do? If you use my letter, please do not give my name. Name withheld, Seattle, Washington. ANIMOSITY ON ANONYMITY Your Vox Pop column will not mean anything unless you require the names of those expressing their opinions. Who cares what "anonymous" thinks about anything? That fs why no attention will likely be paid to this card. Anonymous, Los Angeles, California.

You will find, a warm welcome at S.P.C.


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