King's Business - 1962-05

Rev. Samuel Hansen has announced the moving of Hansen’s Church Films to new quarters at 6045 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood. The new quar­ ters provide additional office space, with better facilities for viewing films. James R. Adair, is pictured below holding a copy of his new book, GOD’S POWER WITHIN. This is a

Rev. Gordon L. Beck, Executive Man­ ager of the Winona Lake Bible Con­ ference, has announced a new look for the Winona Hotel. All rooms have been completely remodeled, and a new heating and air-conditioning sys­ tem installed. The season opens June 11th through Labor Day. Rev. Virgil Zapata is the president of Evangelism-in-Depth’s national com­ mittee in Guatemala, the largest Cen­ tral American republic. This is the third campaign of Evangelism-in- Depth, and is considered potentially the most exciting. Evangelist Billy Graham fulfills an am­ bition of many years as he tells the fascinating story of ancient JERU­ SALEM. The hour-long motion pic­ ture, is an unforgettable thrill and

This 75 year old mission has enjoyed the confi­ dence of many Christians throughout the world, and the blessing of God throughout its years of service to the Jews. We make no dramatic appeal, we merely ask for the privilege of presenting this history and pres­ ent program of our Christian Witness to Israel. cup r he coupon below . A M E R IC A N M E S S IA N IC F E L L O W S H IP Archie A. MacKinney, Director 7446 North Damen, Chicago, Illinois

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Were sold in 1961 by members of Societies, Clubs, Groups, etc. They enable you to earn Pnoney for your treasury, and make friends for your organization.

collection of stories about real people who have come to know Christ and have had their lives transformed. Mr. Don J. Odle, director of Venture for Victory, has announced that his team of athletes will leave for the Orient the middle of June. Korea, Japan, Formosa, Hong Kong, Philip­ pines are some of the areas to be visited. Dr. Howard A. Hanke, Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Reli­ gion at Asbury College, will conduct a tour to the Mediterranean and the Holy Land this summer. Information can be obtained by writing: Bible Lands Seminars, Box 3, Wilmore, Kentucky. Mr. Billy Zeoli, Vice-President of Youth Films, has announced the re­ lease of “ The Big Blast,” a feature- length teenage spectacular. Mr. Zeoli is also the Executive Producer of the picture, which was filmed entirely on

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challenge. Pictured above is a scene from the film, showing the traditional site of Jesus’ crucifixion— the place of the skull. Dr. Kenneth L. Pike, president of Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. has announced that registration for lin­ guistic courses at three state universi­ ties are now being accepted by the Summer Institute of Linguistics. For information write: Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc., Box 1960, Santa Ana, California. Bruce Howat, well-known publishing executive, is the new Advertising Manager for Scripture Press of Wheaton, Illinois. He will be respon­ sible for planning and maintaining an active advertising program for all publications and products of Scrip­ ture Press. W. Hines Sims has announced that the Church Music Department of the Baptist Sunday School Board is spon­ soring a Hymn Writing Competition. A printed folder, outlining require­ ments of the competition, is available by writing: Hymn Writing Competi­ tion, 127 Ninth Avenue, North, Nash­ ville 3, Tennessee. THE KING'S BUSINESS

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location. Pictured above from left to right are Dick Jeffreys and Greg Loren who play the leading roles in the film. “ The Big Blast” is now available to churches and civic groups.

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