honoring GOD’S servant by Margaret Kreinbring “npHis is your life , Dr. Lowell -IL Wendt!” Those were words bringing pleasure and surprise to the pastor of Hope Union Church in Rose mead, California on Sunday evening, February 18, 1962. He had been chos en as the subject of the ninth annual “ This Is Your Life” presentation of the college department of Hope Union Church. In the course of the hour-and-thir- ty-minute program, attended by over 400, pictures projected on the large screen, telegrams, letters and testi monies of friends helped Mr, Wendt recall his tremendously successful past. Photography for the program was done expertly by Mr. Timothy Huerta, a member of the college de partment. Dr. James 0. Henry, asso ciate professor of history at Biola Col lege in J-,a Mirada and long-time Dr. Wendt (right) with Dr. Henry friend and colleague, presided as mas ter of ceremonies. Dr. Wendt’s moth er, Mrs. Emma Wendt of Van Nuys; brother Lauren and sister, Betty Lou Abel, came from a distance to be pres ent and together with Mrs. Lowell Wendt and the three Wendt children made the presentation even more memorable. Other notable guests were; life-long friend Wilbur Short; Reverend R. Eugene Crow, Pastor Wendt’s roommate at Biola College; Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Wiebe, repre sentatives of Radio Station H.C.J.B. in Quito, Ecuador; Sgt. Robert Ver non of the Los Angeles Police de partment and Mrs. Vernon; Dr. and Mrs. Don Hedrick of Whittier; and Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, President of Biola College. The recognition service was con cluded with the Church’s presenting Dr. Wendt with a beautifully-bound Bible, inscribed to him, and a set of gold cuff links. Mrs. W e n d t received a gold, heart-shaped brooch in memory of the evening. In addi tion, Mr. Wendt was given an espe cially embossed and bound album of the program, complete with script, a small reward for a life so beneficial to others.
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MAY, 1962
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