King's Business - 1962-05

honoring GOD’S servant by Margaret Kreinbring “npHis is your life , Dr. Lowell -IL Wendt!” Those were words bringing pleasure and surprise to the pastor of Hope Union Church in Rose­ mead, California on Sunday evening, February 18, 1962. He had been chos­ en as the subject of the ninth annual “ This Is Your Life” presentation of the college department of Hope Union Church. In the course of the hour-and-thir- ty-minute program, attended by over 400, pictures projected on the large screen, telegrams, letters and testi­ monies of friends helped Mr, Wendt recall his tremendously successful past. Photography for the program was done expertly by Mr. Timothy Huerta, a member of the college de­ partment. Dr. James 0. Henry, asso­ ciate professor of history at Biola Col­ lege in J-,a Mirada and long-time Dr. Wendt (right) with Dr. Henry friend and colleague, presided as mas­ ter of ceremonies. Dr. Wendt’s moth­ er, Mrs. Emma Wendt of Van Nuys; brother Lauren and sister, Betty Lou Abel, came from a distance to be pres­ ent and together with Mrs. Lowell Wendt and the three Wendt children made the presentation even more memorable. Other notable guests were; life-long friend Wilbur Short; Reverend R. Eugene Crow, Pastor Wendt’s roommate at Biola College; Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Wiebe, repre­ sentatives of Radio Station H.C.J.B. in Quito, Ecuador; Sgt. Robert Ver­ non of the Los Angeles Police de­ partment and Mrs. Vernon; Dr. and Mrs. Don Hedrick of Whittier; and Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, President of Biola College. The recognition service was con­ cluded with the Church’s presenting Dr. Wendt with a beautifully-bound Bible, inscribed to him, and a set of gold cuff links. Mrs. W e n d t received a gold, heart-shaped brooch in memory of the evening. In addi­ tion, Mr. Wendt was given an espe­ cially embossed and bound album of the program, complete with script, a small reward for a life so beneficial to others.

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MAY, 1962


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