Are your patients living with pain? There are a wide variety of reasons why patients may suffer from persistent pain. Fortunately, at Recovery Physical Therapy, we can help. Physical therapy is a natural, safe, and effective way to treat painful symptoms and condi t ions. Through our advanced methods and treatments, we are able to get to the root of each patient’s condition and treat it accordingly. Unlike pain management drugs that work to simply mask the pain, physical therapy works to move the body in ways that will alleviate it altogether. If your patients are experiencing pain that’s limiting their daily lives, refer them to Recovery Physical Therapy today for speedy relief and recovery. Call our office at (917) 763-7825 to learn more. Evidence supporting physical therapy for pain management: Physical therapy has been known to help count less patients suffering from pain. In many cases, it can even eliminate the need for harmful pain management drugs (such as opioids) or invasive surgical correction. In a study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, this is proven further. Titled “Association of Early Physical Therapy With Long-Term Opioid Use Among Opioid-Naïve Patients
With Musculoskeletal Pain,” this study looks at the effects of physical therapy and the likelihood of long-term opioid use in patients participating in physical therapy treatments. This cross-sectional analysis researched 88,985 patients, all of whom were suffering from shoulder, neck, knee, or low back pain. Results found that the patients who participated in early physical therapy treatments demonstrated an approximately 10% statistically s ign i f i cant reduc t ion i n subsequent opioid use. The conclusion of this study stated, “By serving as an alternative or adjunct to short- term opioid use for patients with musculoskeletal pain, early physical therapy may play a role in reducing the risk of long-term opioid use.”
Refer Your Patients to Recovery Physical Therapy today:
Pain, whether acute or chronic, can be debilitating and can post many limitations to a patient’s daily life. Through targeted stretches and exercises, we can help resolve your patient’s pain, facilitate the body’s natural healing process, and bring them back to their optimum levels of physical function.
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