Open Forum Webinar - All About Risk

Speaker Biographies

Todd Curl - SERC Todd is currently responsible for managing Risk Awareness & Oversight, which includes the CMEP functions of Inherent Risk Assessments and Compliance Oversight Plans. Previously, Todd served as Senior Manager, Compliance Monitoring (over both Operations & Planning and Critical InfrastructureProtection) and as the Manager of Compliance Programs, which included Registration & Certification, Compliance Investigations, and Compliance Outreach. Todd joined SERC as an O&P Compliance Auditor in 2010, with about 29 years in the electric utility industry. Before joining SERC, Todd was a Senior System Operator at Southern Company’s Power Coordination Center. Primary responsibilities included providing real-time monitoring and control decisions and direction for the 24/7 operation of the Southern Company bulk power system balancing area. He also was responsible for various aspects of reliably operating the bulk power system in a coordinated manner with the four Operating Company transmission control centers, generation operations, and neighboring utilities. He worked with a team of NERC-certified operators balancing generation with load, keeping the transmission system reliable, and ensuring correct interchange power flows with neighbors. Todd also spent 10 years on Southern Company’s energy trading floor as an Energy Coordinator, providing economic evaluation and negotiation of next-hour power sales and purchases, and arranging the scheduling of transactions in a real-time 24/7 operation. Todd also spent 17 years with Georgia Power Company as a Transmission Operator and a Substation Maintenance electrician. Todd has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, and an Executive Certificate in Organizational Leadership from the University of Notre Dame. Todd is also a NERC Certified System Operator with the Reliability Coordinator certification since 1999. Todd has also completed NERC Audit/Certification Team Leader training, and Compliance Investigations training. Ted Franks - SERC As Director of Reliability Assurance, Mr. Franks is responsible for all aspects of SERC’s Compliance Monitoring, Registration, and Certification activities. This includes developing and implementing the strategy and vision for these responsibilities and ensuring that all Reliability Assurance activities are appropriately balanced by risk-based processes and policies. He ensures that proper controls and procedures are in place to drive consistency, professionalism, and effective implementation of organizational strategy. Previously,Ted was theSeniorProgramManageratNorthAmericanTransmissionForum(NATF), where heprimarilyfocusedontheSystemOperationsandOperator TrainingPracticesGroupsandtheirsub-groups.Ted was alsotheManagerofTechnicalResourcesatSERC, where he ledtheSERC TechnicalCommittees,Operator Training, and Member Outreach. Priortohis firstpositionatSERC, Ted spent9years with theFederalEnergy RegulatoryCommission(FERC) where he servedas theDeputyDirectorin theOfficeof Electric Reliability. Prior to FERC, Ted worked at PJM for 10 years in operationsplanningand real-timeoperations. Ted holds a Bachelorof Science degree in Industrial Engineeringanda Master’sof BusinessAdministration,bothfromPennStateUniversity .

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