sblive Xero Guide

3. The “Accounting” section holds a vast array of reporting schedules that can be edited to provide the information that is needed on the business. This tab can be expanded to reveal the reports you have selected as “favourites” for ease of access. You will also find “Advanced” setting such as “Chart of Accounts”, “Find and Recode”, “Fixed Assets” and “Manual Journals”. Please see the relevant sections on how to use these.

4. The “Contacts” section holds details for all your customers and suppliers. It also allows ease of access to “groups” of contacts, if these have been set up. How to make the most use of contact information is shown in our Contacts guide. 5. The “Quick Access” cross allows instant access to any “creation” pages such as new invoices, bills and bank transactions, preventing the need to navigate through each page via the “Accounts” section.

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