Metrics Monthly Q1 | 21

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The experience Propensio’s existing relationship with LendingMetrics meant they knew the financial technology company would be able able to meet their contact require- ments. The lender was able to have 1-to-1 conversations with the team and communicate with the people directly involved with the build of ADP, which were important factors in their choos- ing of a technology partner. Following a swift requirements gather- ing stage, Propensio used the UAT envi- ronment to run real-time champion/ challenge scenarios and retro analysis, and after testing were able to rapidly move to the production environment. The implementation process was smooth, and although the first phase was a bit daunting for the lender, with the support of the LendingMetrics Project Management team they were able to get to grips with everything and after that it was a very straightforward process.

The result Propensio saw huge success with ADP; it not only gave them an imme- diate increase in capacity but made their affordability and sustainability assessments more robust and con- sistent, meaning that they could con- tinue to provide a great service to their customers and give them access to a range of funding options that might not have been available to them from other lenders. Using ADP’s innovative Engine Editor, Propensio were able to make quick changes to their decisioning, rather than having to wait months to deploy a small change. They were pleased to be able to build, edit and maintain multiple deci- sion engines without the need for tech- nical or IT-qualified personnel, allowing them to remain dynamic and agile. The underwriting team really liked the product as it allowed them to cope with increased volume and best prepare for an anticipated growth in applications. About the integration, David Wylie - Commercial Director at LendingMet- rics - commented: 'We were delighted to be able to contin- ue working with Propensio after seeing their previous success with our OBV platform. By choosing ADP to assist their decisioning, Propensio have been able to construct a highly consistent underwriting process, and we look forward to continue working with them as they see the benefits of assisted decisioning.'

Summary Propensio continue to use ADP to create complex, powerful or simple pol- icies, and include proprietary scoring algorithms and complex affordability matrices in order to provide the best possible service to their customers.

We can change things within minutes - it's brilliant! Dave Hindle Chief Executive Officer at Propensio Finance

Metrics Monthly | 25

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