Exercise Essentials Try these exercises to improve your strength.
Strengthens Core
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Patient Results
My body is in much better condition now. I hurt so badly in places on my body, but after therapy I do not hurt at all in those places. I fee l so much better! I have so much more energy. I walk better, and can do all my house work by myself. My body is in much better condition now. The therapists here at Advanced work with you and give you the therapy that you need to make yourself more sufficient and take better care of yourself. I would recommend APT to anybody. They are great!” -A.W. The staff here is top notch. Absolutely love this place, from the first evening I came in and met with Jerry. The staff here is top notch, very knowledgeable, answer all my questions, and make me feel very at ease! Extremely friendly atmosphere! I highly recommend this place if you’re needing any type of physical therapy!! I’ve never heard a bad thing about this place!!” - R.B. They always had the answers I was looking for! When I had therapy on my hips after my first child was born, the staff was super helpful, always had the answers I was looking for, and adjusted my stretches according to the pain and feedback I gave them.” -J.M.
F RONT P L ANK F OR EARMS & F E E T Lie on your stomach with elbows bent. Your legs should be straight out behind you with your feet together. Raise up on your forearms and toes. Create a nice straight line with your body from your head to your heels. Concentrate on tucking your pelvic to engage your abs, squeezing your glutes and quads to keep your legs straight, and squeezing your legs together as you hold. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat 3 times.
Strengthen Hips & Glutes
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R E S I ST E D L AT E RA L ST E PP I NG Wrap a resistance band just above both ankles. Stand with both legs hip-width apart so that there is tension on the band. Keeping your chest upright, back straight, and knees slightly bent, take a large step with one foot away from the opposite foot. Follow through by stepping in the same direction with the second foot, back into the original stance. Repeat this same maneuver into the opposite direction. Keep moving back and forth to the right and left in this manner until you have repeated the exercise at least 10 times.
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